The Salvage of my Sanity... - Post a comment
(Bar-Ohki lives here)

Child of the Fey
Date: 2009-07-24 18:51
Subject: Links Page
Security: Public
Location:Evil Layer
Mood:hungry hungry
Music:none, yet....
Tags:a new understanding, closing time, letters home, letters to the field, songs for daddy, story links, the last hurrah

I know I don't have any of the revised put up yet, but there will be links to all the chapters in this post. I've added some to the Kumori Con Fic submission list. I'll update the previous post later.

The Last Hurrah:

A New Understanding:

Closing Time:

Part 1, A 'Chance' Meeting
Part 2, A Reminder of the Past
Part 3, A Step Forward
Part 4a, An Ending, A Beginning
Part 4b, An Ending, A Beginning
 Songs For Daddy:

Letters Home:

Letters to the Field:

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