2010-08-14 11:05 |
I saw an awesome movie~ |
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I saw Scott Pilgrim vs. The World last night.
It was epic.
The entire thing was full to the brim of adorable video game references 8-bit sounds, getting experience points, getting 1-ups. The characters are lovable and their actions are over the top, just like everything else.
Anyways the premise is that this chick Romona has 7 evil exs whom Scott must defeat if he wants to stay with her. So he has epic battles. Scott's a nice guy, kind of lame at times, but still tries to be awesome. In the end of the movie everything gets resolved appropriately. The ending is kind of predictable, but the entire movie is full of witty humor and epic battles and random awesome.
Go see it, it is worth the money!
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As soon as I get paid again, I am gonna try to drag Jason with me to see that one, matinee $5.
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