The Salvage of my Sanity... -
(Bar-Ohki lives here)

Child of the Fey
Date: 2010-07-05 19:03
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Hello I have a minor news flash. This morning my computer crashed such that it won't start up again. I'm not entirely sure what is wrong with it, but I'm basically on haltus until I can get it working again. I have no clue when this will be, I'm taking it into the nerds tomorrow to see what can be done, if anything. My computer, if anyone is curious, shows me the start up screen with the HP logo and stays there for several minutes. When it finally leaves that screen it beeps at me and continues to stay stuck. The hard disk, for some reason, isn't turning. I did try removing power and cycling it a few times. Same issue.

So I won't even be on IM until I get this working again.

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Child of the Fey: HiruGumGun
User: [info]bar_ohki
Date: 2010-07-07 00:00 (UTC)
Subject: (no subject)

I was going to say how useful is computing advice if I don't have a machine to view it by? LOL

Actually for some reason it hates my dock. Now its kind of functional.

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Methos AlHazred: Brain Fart
User: [info]alazif
Date: 2010-07-07 01:55 (UTC)
Subject: (no subject)
Keyword:Brain Fart

Precisely that occurred to me while I was typing it out. As I finished, I thought, what the heck, you may be curious. And no knowledge is every really wasted. O^;

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Child of the Fey: AgathaUncomposed
User: [info]bar_ohki
Date: 2010-07-07 02:07 (UTC)
Subject: (no subject)

Well it might be helpful later anyways. So I'll give it that. ^^

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May 2011