2010-04-30 14:29 |
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This is something that bothers me so I decided I'd rant about it here.
I have family on my mother's side that I can trace back to the second landing at Jamestown. My father's side doesn't go back quite that far, but they do go back to the pre-Revolution. I have family on both sides such that I have relatives that fought in every major American conflict, including both sides of the Civil War. My nearest migrated relatives are seven generations back on both sides. I even have a marginal amount (like 1/152) of native blood in me. So, pray tell, does that not make me a 'native' American?
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Did someone accuse you of not being American or something? oO; I'm 100% Puerto Rican with most of my ancestry coming from Spain~ You can tell in my dad that he has the heritage of the natives of Puerto Rico (the Taino) because of his tan skin... and apparently we traced back and found some German and African in our bloodline which is WILD! XD
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