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Tobias Gibbon ([info]bamfintraining) wrote,
@ 2008-03-12 22:01:00

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March 12, 1979
Caleigh is talking up a storm now, just because she can. It's actually rather adorable. Of course, none of it makes much logical sense, but she knows what she means, even if nobody else does. Stell, dear, she keeps asking about 'Auntie Sella'. You should come by, and bring Jacob by. Caleigh could use a bit of company. She's still a bit young for a pet, but I'm worrying she gets lonely, what with the hours I work at St. Mungo's.

If you have time, we should grab lunch on Friday. I have a small break between shifts. If you're not too busy, I'm sure Florence could watch Jacob.

Mal, I'll be home late this week. One of the healers is sick and I have to cover some shifts.

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2008-03-13 04:22 am UTC (link)
Maybe I'll bring her some of the big girl slippers, then.

Oy, the books are recommending he start potty training! Not sure if I'm ready for this. He's still a baby--

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2008-03-13 04:41 am UTC (link)
Oh, she'll adore you, Stell.

You'll survive, I promise. It will be...well...an adventure, but you'll handle it. I have complete faith in you.

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