User: | babylon (18345)
don't tell me L I E S or i S W E A R you're gonna L O S E me
Name: | d → made for you. |
Website: | LJ |
Bio: | and i'll see you at the gates of babylon
mood theme = sterni75 @ LJ |
Memories | 1 entry |
Friends: |  | 19: | babylon, bar_ohki, curiousvenus, destructive, doodles, eevee, hammerofjustice, hanabi, kiokushitaka, kiryuu, lunareuphoria, magickcauldron, rubbish, sex_pancake, shinimegami, slackkerr, tastygreenmint, urgent, villetta |  | 8: | 10variations, animechorus, bitchbook, deadletters, dear_you, gateways, iam, thissideup |
Account type: | Early Free User |
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