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OOC Information
Player name: Robyn
Player age: 23
Time zone: GMT

Character Information
Full name: Sylvia Kaminari Sasaki
Nick names: Silv
Hometown: Alabama
Age and birthday: 16, 14th May 1995
House and year: Roanoke Junior
Boggart: Leeches stuck to her legs
Riddikulus: They start to swell up uncontrollably until they float off
Patronus and why: Sylvia was surprised to find her patronus take on the form of a rhinoceros. They are stubborn and ready to fight.

School Information:

Wand: 13”, rigid, Hornbeam with Dragon Heartstring
Electives: Wandless Magic, Languages, Ritual Magic and Combative Magic.
Extracirriculars: Cooking Club, Honor Society
Strongest subject: Languages
Weakest subject: Potions
Animagus form: N/A

Family and Relationships
Parents: Shan Dixon and Mattie Sasaki
Siblings: Half sister Brianna (15)
Extended Family: A grandmother living in Japan, Grandparents living in Alabama and an aunt living in England
Familiar: An old alley cat called Miss Missy. She only has three legs and is practically deaf.
Sexuality: Bisexual

PB: Devon Aoki
Physical Description: With a mix of Japanese and Jamaican heritage, Silv is a distinct looking girl. She wouldn’t call herself pretty, but definitely striking. Sylvia stands at an average 5’6 with a slim frame. Her face is extremely round, giving the impression she is very young and dusted with faint freckles. She takes after her mother with a large chest and her mother’s looks dominate with pale skin and straight hair. Her hair varies between black to blonde depending on what she wants that day and is worn long and simple. Sylvia suffers from chronic bitchface, even when she’s happy. She sometimes sports bruises or grazes from rollerskating accidents.

Her fashion sense is distinct. She picked up a lot of various styles from all the countries she has lived in though London fashion is her favourite. She loves gold. Gold rings, gold earrings, gold shoes, gold nails. Anything gold. She never leaves the house without a pair of large earrings in and has had two holes in each ear since she was nine. Silv is drawn to tacky clothes. Everything can be a little shorter or a little more low cut and she’s not above cutting and hemming anything that doesn’t fit her taste.

Likes: dumplings, sunshine, cigarettes, learning, violent films, roller derby, grime music, hip hop, muscly boys, Jersey Shore, leopard print, zebra print, (fake) fur, nails did, red lips, big red London buses, Nicki Minaj, Dancing With The Stars, sarcasm, twinkies, short skirts, high heels, cooking.
Dislikes:  leaving the house without make up, aubergine, video games, people who talk in class, potions, the smell of garlic on her hands, Glee, cold pizza, watching the news, being moved around a lot, airport customs, breaking nails, having her photo taken, when people ask you how you wipe your butt with fake nails.
Quirks: - Whenever she’s not wearing fake nails she bites her own down to the stubs.
- Loves food so much that she can sometimes be found sneaking out of bed to cook a whole meal.
- However she is also constantly on a diet.
- Doesn’t speak much because of her accent. It’s all jumbled up.
- Talented at sewing, ripping up and reconstructing clothes.
Secrets: - Doesn’t care much for her dad but it’s a lot more convenient for her to get along with him.
- Lost her virginity to her sister’s boyfriend this past summer. Doesn’t feel that bad about it.
- Wants to be a derby girl once she turns 18.
- Doesn’t miss her mom all that much and sort of dreads going back to visit her during school break.
Amortentia smells like: Lipstick, lavender and.. bacon!
Strengths: One tough cookie, picks up languages easily, sharp, eager to learn.
Weaknesses: Afraid to show any weakness, hides behind her make up, quick to judge other people, not afraid to give a verbal beatdown, easily annoyed.
Detailed personality: Sylvia is a typical teenager. She’s obsessed with fashion and celebrities and hot guys and will beat down anyone who thinks she’s dumb because of it. She’s a very proud person which makes her take offense easily. Once you have offended her you’ve made an enemy for life and Silv can hold a grudge like a champ. She can come across as intimidating with all her make up and weird accent but once befriended she is easy to get along with, as long as the sarcasm and teasing don’t get to you. She’s always willing to dish out advice for her friends, though she might just say what you don’t want to hear. She's totally blunt and doesn't believe in little white lies. If your butt looks fat in that dress, she'll point it out. If you're in a spot of trouble, Silv is a person you would want on your side. She is fiercely loyal to anyone who earns her respect and has no qualms about stepping in to end a dispute if it starts to get out of hand.

Personal History
To say Sylvia's upbringing was complicated is a little bit of an understatement. When Mattie was seventeen she wanted to be a model, even going as far as moving from Manchester to London in order to follow her dreams. Naive as she was, she soon caught the eye of photographer Shan, a Jamaican born American living in London who was out for a good time. He wasn't really serious when he said he could make Mattie a star, but she fell for the line anyway and nine months later Sylvia was born. Shan wasn't exactly thrilled, but sent a little money each month to help out, feeling that was as far as his involvement had to go.

Mattie coped with Silv, juggling her child with her dream job. The early years of Sylvia's life involved hopping from country to country whilst her mom chased stardom. She even garnered a little success, though any money she earnt always went on funding the next trip. Milan, Paris, Silv had seen them all. When Mattie grew tired of carting her child around with her she was sent to Japan to live with her Grandmother. She was strict, but welcoming and spotted straight away that Sylvia was a witch. Her grandmother's mother was one, though she suspected that Shan also had some magical blood in him too.  As her eleventh birthday drew nearer, Silv's grandmother pushed for her to be sent to wizarding school and Sylvia was offered a choice. She could stay in England with her mother, where it rained 60% of the time, or move to Alabama, where it probably didn't. Shan had agreed to custody of Silv (hell, it wasn't like he'd been seeing her much anyway!) and soon she was embarking on another long-haul flight.

Shan was everything Sylvia had excepted him to be, and for an eleven year old child, she didn't have very high expectations. He was arrogant and shallow and truthfully she saw entirely too much of him in herself, but it was stable and he was a generous daddy. She also found out she had a sister, Brianna, who was a witch too. A year younger and spoilt rotten, Silv wasn't too upset when her and Bri discovered they had nothing in common (except their school. And their taste in boys).

Attending Blue Ridge was a shock to Silv. She had never attended a proper school before and found it exhausting to begin with. Of course, the hard nut that she is, she adapted without much complaint and found that she actually liked to learn. Never having a stable education had taken its toll and Sylvia had required extra tutoring to get her to a good level of education for her age, but the teasing she received only made her more determined and she clawed her way up and earned a place on the honor society. Its her biggest achievement to date, though she has bigger and better things planned!


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