Tibs and Lydia
Do you really want to know how this came about? I don't think you do. Well probably so, but Tibs definitely doesn't want you to. It was on a whim really, that he got her number from a friend of a friend... of a friend. He really didn't expect anything to come of it really, and he doesn't think she did either. But well, they both were wrong and well... now they're together and have a kid. Most people think that its just because Tibs knocked Lydia up and was just to noble to leave her on her own, but it was more than just that. There was something there. Who know what, but surprisingly enough they get along just fine.
William Andrew McLaggen took mostly after his mum and got the genes from his grandda that seemed to skip over Tibs. In other words, he's tall and gorgeous. He keeps to himself mostly. He's a smart kid that spends most of his time avoiding swarms of girls that constantly throw themselves at him. He doesn't really like talking about so thats about everything you get to know about him.
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