lol this will never be finished but eh lets try
SHAMELESSLY STOLEN so you know what to do. These will probably be worked into hogwarts100/flavors. Feel free to specify the who/what/where/when for anything, and/or re-interpret the prompt word entirely. And requests as many Xs as your heart desires (but give me characters!)
“Awaken me” and I will write about one character waking up another
“Break me” and I will write about our characters angsting
“Call me” and I will write about one character calling out for another
“Draw me” and I will write about one character doing an artistic rendering of another
“Enchant me” and I will write about one character doing magic on another
“Goad me” and I will write about one character provoking another
“Heal me” and I will write about one character fixing another
“Imagine me” and I will write about one character daydreaming (possibly about another?!)
“Jinx me” and I will write about one character being bad luck for another
“Keep me” and I will write about one character delaying another
“Lock me” and I will write about our characters locked in a space together
“Match me” and I will write about one character trying to hook up another
“Notice me” and I will write about one character trying to get another's attention
“Observe me” and I will write about one character watching another
“Protect me” and I will write about one character defending another
“Quiet me” and I will write about one character calming another down
“Resist me” and I will write about one character, err, resisting another
“Silence me” and I will write about one character keeping another quiet
“Try me” and I will write about one character giving another a shot
“Unbalance me” and I will write about one character knocking over another
“Volunteer me” and I will write about one character being volunteered for something by another
“Warm me” and I will write about one character keeping another warm
“X me” and I will write whatever you wish!
“Yank me” and I will write about one character exerting a little force on another
“Zip me” and I will write about one character dressing or undressing another