1. Mira Jasper - He loves her sooo much.
2. Adrian Mattias - BFF
3. Henry Wadcock - He trusts him to run his quidditch life... same thing really
4. Hannah Wood - Favorite Captain ever
5. Wendy Midgen - idk he just says he does
1. Drake Parkin
2. Finn McLaggen -Nothing personal, he just doesn't like him. I'm sure he would do the same
3. Odette MacFarlan - she stole his job
4. Henry Wadcock - only anytime before he became his agent
1. Delilah Spinnet
2. Odette MacFarlan - After all the drama he wants to know if it was worth the fuss
3. Hannah Wood - Favorite Captain Ever.
4. Maggie Brand
5. Holly Troy
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