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avisoppugno ([info]avisoppugno) wrote,
@ 2011-08-03 23:29:00

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They had run into each other exactly four times since their break-up, and neither Hermione nor Ron were getting any more comfortable with inevitable situation. This time was the fifth. Having been in the lift first, Ron fell back towards the corner of the lift and stood straight and stiff, eyes fixated on the cauldron-shaped stain on the floor; Hermione's chin was higher than usual, and she tried her best to look at ease, although she did not pull it off well. Another passenger on the lift, a small wizard who Hermione did not recognize, sniffed through his nose as though he may have a cold, but Hermione imagined he was sniffing out the story between Famous Potter's two best mates. Not a word was shared in the lift, and it felt entirely unnatural for both Gryffindors, but neither were willing to break the silence. Each was innocent, the other was guilty, and both would find a way to win Harry over to their side and become his One True Friend. Hermione was brighter than Ron, that was sure, and so she would triumph this battle.

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2011-08-05 01:32 am UTC (link)
"It's a valid question! Why won't you answer it?" he asked, crossing his arms in satisfaction. He liked to see her all riled up. He didn't quite know why, but seeing her all bothered by something he said to her made him feel successful. He'd managed to get under her skin, once again.

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2011-08-05 09:03 pm UTC (link)
"Because you don't actually care." Hermione tightened her crossed arms and started to tap her foot with impatience at the slow lift. Wasn't this thing magic?!

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