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avisoppugno ([info]avisoppugno) wrote,
@ 2010-04-08 19:16:00

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These were the rounds she had dreaded. Finding out that one Draco Malfoy would remain a prefect was bad enough, but for the two to actually be scheduled together made Hermione's lips tighten and go thin. As if the rounds hadn't been bad enough three years ago, when they were fifth years, but now? Hermione sighed deeply and waited in the Entrance Hall and watched as the students left the Great Hall, filled with dinner. Harry and Ron walked by. Ron looked straight forward, as if Hermione wasn't there. Harry gave an apologetic smile and a little wave. Nothing had gone right since she'd come back to England, and rounds with Draco Malfoy was the crown jewel.

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2010-04-08 09:27 pm UTC (link)
The war had changed Draco, and the least of all these changes was the way he walked. It was stiffer now, with his jaw tightened instinctively and his chin up, almost daring anyone to say a word to him. More often than not, they did, and the words were never kind, but it was another change, a testament to his newfound self control, that kept Draco from even so much as replying. He'd promised himself, promised his family, that the year would pass as quickly and painlessly as possible. For once, Draco's first priority was staying out of attention.

Silently, Draco came to a stop in front of Hermione, ready for his rounds. He was dreading this the way he'd been dreading almost everything else about coming back to Hogwarts, to the post-war England at all. If the next nine months all passed in stoic silence, he would be none offended.

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2010-04-08 09:34 pm UTC (link)
For the first time that year, Hermione was able to get a good look at Malfoy. She had avoided him in the Prefect's car on the Express and only stolen a few glances throughout the year thus far. Now that she could see him--had to see him--directly, she noticed that he looked anxious, on edge. Hermione supposed she couldn't blame him for it. Ron had instructed her to speak to Malfoy only when necessary. "Abandon him somewhere," he had suggested, but Hermione thought perhaps she should take her own approach.

"Ready, then?" she asked him. She tried to sound as nice as possible and not show that she was dreading the night in front of them.

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2010-04-08 09:45 pm UTC (link)
In response, Draco blinked, rolled his lips against a first instinctive response, and then spoke his second as his expression soured with the idea, "No, but let's get on with it." It was another new thing Draco was trying, thinking before he spoke. It managed to curb most of his instinctive outbursts, none of which were ever very pleasant, and had managed to keep him out of most major trouble, but the jerky little clench of his fingers was evidence enough of how difficult it was.

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2010-04-09 02:48 pm UTC (link)
He seemed lethargic about taking control, so Hermione nodded with authority and started down the Hall. With any other Prefect, Hermione would make light conversation, whether out of general interest of the other person or just to be polite, but what was there to say to Malfoy? Sorry about Crabbe, she could say, but that would sound insincere.

"I'm surprised you came back." Ever tactless. Hermione almost winced at her own bluntness.

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2010-04-09 05:45 pm UTC (link)
"Are you?" Draco asked, surprising even himself with the quickness of his response as they started down the hall. His usual sneer was audible in his voice, even if his expression was stony calm. "Did you think I wouldn't? Did you think you'd be the only one to be brave enough?" He shut his mouth with a snap, realizing he'd once again fallen into the bad habit of speaking before thinking. "You're not," he finished with, trying this time to keep most of the venom from his voice.

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2010-04-10 01:49 pm UTC (link)
"That's not what I meant," Hermione snapped back. It was strange to feel so defensive; she hadn't felt that way in so long. Even when she defended her actions against Ron, it was more desperate convincing than anything else. "I just imagined you would want to start a career." She shook her head and looked forward. "Nothing to do with bravery."

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2010-04-13 02:04 am UTC (link)
"Oh, stop speaking, Granger, you're clouding the air with your reeking naivety," Draco snapped again, this time with real reason. He'd tried, long and hard, to just as Hermione had suggested, and find a real job out in the world. But still blacklisted after being acquitted of most counts of warcrimes by the Wizengamot, not to mention the fact that his parents were still awaiting their own trials, Draco had found that his once plentiful options of post-school careers had drained completely. Not that he was about to admit any of that to Hermione. "Was it a hit to the head, or something much worse, that finally did you in? You weren't daft enough before to think it was worth it to quit school early."

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2010-04-15 11:31 pm UTC (link)
Hermione closed her mouth and looked sheepish when he snapped at her. It wasn't right for her to assume anything about him, she knew, and she had to keep her mouth in check. She swallowed and chose her words carefully. "I know myself to be a bit of a bookworm," she said. "Not everyone has the same desire for education as I do. We all need to make choices that suit us best."

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2010-04-16 12:54 pm UTC (link)
Draco watched Hermione shut her mouth quickly, and try to backtrack on the little judgement she'd made earlier. His lips pursed and twisted to one side wryly, as if even listening to her words required a huge amount of effort. "Granger, it's like you don't know me at all," Draco replied, sarcasm heavy in his voice. "From the beginning that's all I've ever done. But no, please, continue to tell me how to run my life." Actually, the way it seemed now, Hermione would do a better job of it than he would.

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