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avenue5output ([info]avenue5output) wrote,
@ 2013-03-16 22:33:00

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This Article Contains All The Home Security Answers You Need
If you've got a keypad to lock your door, do not make a password which is obvious. Your birth date is pretty easy to come by, especially for seasoned thieves. Rather, use a number that can be determined through an equation that you can remember instead.

There have been many instances where someone has knocked on a door to say they need help, and then upon the owner answering the door, the person busts in and starts wreaking havoc. If someone comes to your door asking for help, make a phone call for them with the door closed. If you feel afraid and uneasy, simply call the police.

What To Do About Your Home Security Needs Do not use spring latch locks on your doors. This type of lock is extremely easy to break. Anyone with a credit card can do it. Intruders just have to slide a card in between the latch and door for the lock to pop open. If you have spring latches already installed, consider adding deadbolts too.

Use your wall spaces to hide your valuables. No need to damage your walls. Take a closer look at your walls and note just how many access points there are already. Perhaps you could deactivate a few unused electrical sockets to use as a place to store stuff.

Your home's exterior needs to be well lit. Nothing is as attractive to a burglar as a dark, deeply-shadowed house. Light up the dark spots around your home. This includes porches and doorways, the garage, as well as ground floor windows, which can invite an intruder.

If you keep a spare key outside to prevent yourself from being locked-out, think carefully about where you hide it. Intruders will think to look on the top if a door frame and under a doormat. Instead, try hiding a key on the collar of an outside dog.

There are more features to a home alarm system besides making sounds when people break in. Most systems could sound an alarm when someone enters the home. This is a good way to know if your small child has opened a door or closed it.

Captive keylock deadbolts are your best bet. A thumb latch prevents outsiders from accessing your door locks through an adjacent window. When at home you should keep the key securely in the lock. In this way you will be able to exit quickly in case of emergency.

People need to know you have a burglar alarm before they break in. Signs, decals and alarms are great for prevention. They can still grab things and run if they don't find this out until they get inside.

Do It Yourself Home Security Systems For Your Protection Your home's security depends on your trash security. Seeing boxes of recently purchased items outside your home can catch the attention of thieves. You should shred your receipts and wait until the garbage truck gets here before throwing away your boxes.

Excellent Ideas About Home Security That Are Easy To Understand This article provides a starting point for your research. Home security is an important subject. It is important that the safety of your home and your family is your priority. Remember these tips as you formulate your home security plan.

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