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Rosemarne Malinowski Doge (D'argente) ([info]avant) wrote,
@ 2008-09-12 23:59:00

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Greetings, Wizarding public.

I am Marnie! You must know me. I am that girl who sits in the park eating cheeseless pizza with pickles, tabasco sauce and peanut butter.

I am that girl who dances with the lovely Estella!

I am the girl with a Polish man's middle name.

Surely you know me. Or at least if you do not, you want to.

I know you do.

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2008-09-13 07:10 am UTC (link)
You do! Because you are lovely.

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2008-09-13 05:20 pm UTC (link)
Aw, thank you!

You know, I've never thought about pickles on pizza. Or peanut butter, for that matter. I have had it with tabasco sauce, though!

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2008-09-13 07:58 pm UTC (link)
I get a lot of people asking me if I'm pregnant.

To which I say: Do I -look- pregnant?

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2008-09-13 09:14 pm UTC (link)
You know, if you play the pregnancy card, you get lots of free food. Not that I'm recommending you lie to vendors, but it's something I happened to notice.

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2008-09-13 09:15 pm UTC (link)
Oooh. Why didn't you say so earlier!

I will have to try this.

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