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User:audacity (13018)
once said, always said
I will hold the past over your head
Website:myspace or yours?
Location:Massachusetts, United States

Interests:7: envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth, wrath
Schools:None listed
People12:827516, braffy, decapitation, hilary, langers, latedrives, losthighway, news, sahwah9x, serotonin, system, tragus
Communities20:addme, bitchbook, bookquotes, dear_you, divierto, donut, flame_cup, girltalk, honorcup, hotfashion, layout, post_secret, randomquestion, scribbldsextalk, sextalk, tattoos, upload, wrotedown, yoursecrets, yumm
Friend of:8: braffy, decapitation, druid, hilary, langers, sahwah9x, serotonin, tragus
Member of:16: addme, bitchbook, bookquotes, dear_you, donut, flame_cup, honorcup, hotfashion, post_secret, randomquestion, sextalk, tattoos, upload, wrotedown, yoursecrets, yumm
Account type:Early Adopter
Date created:2008-01-13 12:06:56
Date updated:2008-03-07 14:27:05, 884 weeks ago
Clients used:Web: 2.0.0
Journal entries:37
Comments:Posted: 102 - Received: 20
Posting Access:11: addme, bitchbook, bookquotes, dear_you, post_secret, randomquestion, sextalk, tattoos, upload, wrotedown, yumm

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