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[Feb. 23rd, 2008|06:09 pm]
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[Current Music |I don't love you- MCR]

I just got home from Sara's. We met last night and went to BK and her house and guitar hero-ed. We went to her friend Brittany's house which was cool, because I finally got to meet her. She's really cool, we played more guitar hero and ate and watched some hilarious game shows and talked, a lot. Then back to Sara's we went, and this morning she had an appointment for the dentist at the unglodly hour of eight, which is unheard of on a Saturday! We went and got our eyebrows waxed though haha. What a best friend bonding thing to do! But I'm happy with what I have, hah.
We went to the movies and saw Charlie Bartlett with her friend Kevin who plays really good music in his car. That's all I got to meet though, so sometime when everyone- like eight and a half more people- gets together, she said I have to come up.

And I decided I haven't seen James enough this weekend so I'm going to be going to the movies with him tonight, heh.
