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[Feb. 15th, 2008|03:28 pm]
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[Current Mood | cranky]
[Current Music |Psycho- Puddle of Mudd]

So today is the first day of vacation. I just wish my parents hadn't waited until last night to decide to tell me that we can't afford to go and visit my grandma. I mean god, this was my last chance to see her. Sure, seeing her wasn't exactly my number one reason for wanting to go, but still. I mean the woman is eighty-eight and sick, it's not like she's getting any younger.
And so I'm mad and don't feel well and blah. I need to do something, anything. Get off this god forsaken sandbar. I'm so sick of nearly every person here and everything I'm dealing with, I need to get away. My dad decided to text me today though, and said he still wants to go somewhere. So I was talking to Liza about taking a train into NYC for a night trip type thing. Maybe visit Nastya. Haha yeah right.

But oh, the pictures from thememoryproject.org came back from Nicaragua- here's Carlos holding his portrait done by me.

The guy wrote that all the boys don't smile in photographs because they're all trying to be cool, haha.

[User Picture]From: [info]tragus
2008-02-15 10:57 pm (UTC)


wow that drawing is gorgeous!
[User Picture]From: [info]audacity
2008-02-16 05:45 am (UTC)


awh thank you :)