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[Feb. 13th, 2008|07:34 pm]
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[Current Mood | lazy]
[Current Music |Luv Addict- Family Force 5]

 Ugh, it's awful and rainy outside! Gross, gross, gross.

Art- more painting.
Math- Review. Test tomorrow.
Chemistry- He finally snapped and I got to witness a Crook meltdown- he sent some kid to IRC and wrote him up for "being a moron". It was pretty funny.
English- This big, stupid test on Thoreau and Emerson. Taylor and Stephanie and Emma and just all of us are positive we failed, no joke.
Rotating- Made up a spanish test with Marjorie and did a packet in math that gives bonus points on the test tomorrow.

And I came home and went to the store and have been hanging out. I baked some cupcakes that are cute, I think, for James tomorrow. Plus I have tons left over so maybe I'll bring them in for Liza tomorrow. She can pass some off to George and say she did them or something.

Oh and speaking of her, she got Mr. Morales to play our video for the entire class. I was mortified, she was laughing. They liked it though, and Morales let us- although he was more ordering us to do it, actually- film the class doing some things and we're still going to do a video for extra credit.
And tomorrow James and I are going out for lunch. We just have to figure out where though, hmm.