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[Feb. 4th, 2008|05:10 pm]
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[Current Mood | achey]
[Current Music |Rescued- Jacks Mannequin]

So I forgot to update lately. I'll come here and read communities I'll forget that this is a site to actually, you know, to journal or whatever.

So let's see. Yesterday was the first Superbowl that I actually sat and watched and understood- only to witness the Patriots losing. James lost interest at one point and was siting and playing chess on my computer, which I thought was pretty funny.
And today we watched the best of the commercials in history class. I love that class only because we honestly don't do much. It's a good place to just chill.

And during February vacation I'm flying down to North Carolina with my dad to visit my grandma. I guess she's starting to not do too well, but hey. I'll get to see her and uhh, I'm thinking I'm probably just going to be taking her car and credit card (with her permission, of course- she's done that before. Only I was stupid enough not to take it, so this time I won't take that same mistake) and go find a mall or something.
And then I was texting Sara in chemistry, and I think we're trying to get James and me up to visit her sometime so us and her and her almost-boyfriend can hang out. Maybe go to Providence for the day, or something along those lines.

As of Friday I won't need to feel bad about driving people around, either- I'll have had my license for six months. So I could drive James and me up there, and it would all be good.
Now if only I could get through the next two weeks.