once said, always said - January 19th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 19th, 2008

[Jan. 19th, 2008|11:07 pm]
[Current Mood | content]
[Current Music |The Soup, on tv.]

Oh today has been fun, and eventful to the extreme.

Sara and I met up around eleven at the bridge, and we came back and played guitar hero. It's a sad, sad addiction we share, might I add. (Even if I'm proud to say I can pass ~*medium*~). We went to Friendly's and had extremely delicous sundaes, then came back and played guitar hero some more. We had plans to meet up with some of Sara's friends here, but then there was a fiasco with the car breaking on the side of the road but ending up going to her friend Chelsea's house anyway but then needing to edit Sara's face onto Jessica Alba's body for a special nude picture and "just use two condoms instead!" and looking at pictures and then being picked up by a neighbor of Sara's who blasted Enrique Iglesias and coming home and playing what else, guitar hero. Plus I've been texting her friend Drew, and we had some interesting conversations about Sara.
It's been such a nice break coming down here.
And tomorrow since the car is broken we don't know what we'll do. Meet up with some other people, I'm guessing. And more guitar hero.
Of course.

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