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athenaspupil ([info]athenaspupil) wrote,
@ 2008-01-02 22:13:00

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Perhaps it's just a sneaking suspicion, but I believe that there is going to be a vast majority of the castle under the weather in the next few days if this rain keeps up and everyone continues to wander outside without jumpers or proper rain gear. Do be careful not to get sick. While Madam Pomfrey has plenty of supplies for a standard cold, she will likely be sorely disappointed to see so many students not at least trying to remain well.

Also, it's appalling how many of these journal entries turn indecent. One can almost find out anything they want about the personal life of one of their friends without even meaning to with these things.

Private to Self
It's really none of my business what he does with his own time, but to openly and blatantly state that he had kissed Linda is rather surprising. Of course, I don't have any say in the matter - that much was obvious when he decided to date Lavender, but I thought that there was an underlying understanding between the two of us and that we were just waiting for things to finally fall into place? Though, then again, I could have been horribly mistaken and have read far too much into things than I should have, but really, it felt like we had finally gotten closer after we finished arguing last year and when we finally defeated Voldemort.

I'd never openly admit this to anyone except Ginny, but it really hurts to know that that's what he's doing and spreading it around these journals. It's just like sixth year when he couldn't bother to find a place to kiss Lavender and preferred to do it out in the open where everyone and their brother could see perfectly. When did he even start liking Linda? And when, for that matter, did she actually show any interest in Ron herself? There weren't any signs and neither have really spoken about each other except in passing, and even then it's not very often that they do. I just don't think I handle seeing things happen like they did with Lavender again.

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2008-01-03 07:47 am UTC (link)
I hate to break it to you Hermione, but with the vast amount of rain we've been getting, it doesn't take two braincells to figure out people are going to be getting ill. It's all the dampness. I'm getting the sniffles myself, and I haven't been traipsing about without my raingear.

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