While I thoroughly support Ernie's stance on the upcoming Ball, I am fairly confident that everyone will be on their best behaviour that evening. That means that all school rules should be followed and proper dress is to be worn - nothing scandalous or too revealing; we are still in a learning institution and people are ages should not be wearing things that are obviously inappropriate. The teachers will be patrolling the dance, as will Ernie and I, and the prefects will more than likely be keeping an eye out for any wrong doing, too.
Private to Ginny WeasleyI can't believe I'm about to say this. I don't know what to wear.
Private to Linda MoonI realise how preposterous this might sound given your attachment to Neville, but could I have your reassurance that you genuinely care about him and aren't just interested in a few stolen kisses in several empty broom cupboards or even in the common room? You might think me rude, but Neville
is a friend of mine and can easily be hurt since he's so easily influenced. Also, I know I have been avoiding you as of late, and I have no doubt that you can assume as to why, but I would like to inform you that whatever happened between you and Ron is fine. It was really none of my business at the time and still isn't given the extenuating circumstances. Things are already awkward enough between Lavender, Parvati, and I, and I'd rather not have that happen to our entire dormitory.
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