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[22 Apr 2008|09:08pm]
Interesting how quiet and reclusive everyone has been since returning back from Christmas holiday. Finally, it seems as if everyone has finally realised, at least with fifth and seventh years (and perhaps the other years as well considering they have final tests and everything) that within a few months, we will be taking our O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts, respectively. Of course, I've already laid out a brand new timetable as to when I'll be studying, doing my Head Girl duties, and tutoring for the remainder of the year.

The new schedule for tutoring will be posted tomorrow morning for those interested. Of course, additional times or alternate times can be arranged so it would be in your best interest to ask me just in case.

Private to Ginny, though Harry and Ron can read )
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[30 Mar 2008|02:25pm]
Private to Harry )

Private to Ginny )

Private to Ron )
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[19 Mar 2008|01:33am]
Private to Self )

To-Do List
- Revise for Exams
- Owl Mum and Dad
- Harry and Ginny are fighting; is there any way of fixing this?
- Organise packing to go home
- Harry's not sleeping; he's having nightmares again
- Ron.
- Finish Dobby and Winky's scarves and hats
- Christmas Presents
- Rounds
- Head Girl Duties
- Tutoring
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[14 Mar 2008|06:01pm]
Private to Ginny )
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[04 Mar 2008|12:00am]
Things around here are quickly escalating and getting out of hands. Honestly, I'm surprised the Professors haven't insisted we give up these journals due to the amount of disrespect and derogative language used on a daily basis. Of course, the positives outweigh the negatives; they're great tools for speaking to each other when we all can't be in the same place, so I suppose that's their reasoning behind letting us keep them for now. Either way, I'd advise everyone to use more caution with what is said and viewable so publicly because anyone can read it.

Private to Self )

Private to Ernie )
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[31 Jan 2008|10:52pm]
I've been pulled in numerous ways the past few days, but at least everything is now sorted out for the ball so I can fully concentrate on everything else that has been grasping for my attention. I took Ginny's advice though about colours; it might be considered repetitious to go with nearly the same thing as the last one, but I'm not particularly bothered either way.

This week, I plan to restart my tutoring sessions. It will be the same schedule as last year for those interesting: Thursday and Saturday evenings from six until eight. Of course, letting me know that you intend to be there beforehand is appreciated, as is telling me which class(es) you're struggling in. Though, it's not necessary that you do so, it's just merely appreciated so that I might prepare prior to the session.
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[23 Jan 2008|01:26am]
While I thoroughly support Ernie's stance on the upcoming Ball, I am fairly confident that everyone will be on their best behaviour that evening. That means that all school rules should be followed and proper dress is to be worn - nothing scandalous or too revealing; we are still in a learning institution and people are ages should not be wearing things that are obviously inappropriate. The teachers will be patrolling the dance, as will Ernie and I, and the prefects will more than likely be keeping an eye out for any wrong doing, too.

Private to Ginny Weasey )

Private to Linda Moon )
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[06 Jan 2008|08:27pm]
Now that everything has properly settled down and I've been able to get into a comfortable rhythm with juggling the coursework assigned each week and my Head Girls duties, I'm able to take on some additional responsibilities. After speaking with Professor McGonagall, I have a few hours each day where I could tutor a few individuals, no matter what year, in several different subjects. However, in order to sign up for them, you'll have to speak to the Professor of that particular class first and then they'll assign you to either me or the other individuals who have been so kind as to sign up.

Private to Self )

Has anyone seen Harry, I really need to speak to him.
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[02 Jan 2008|10:13pm]
Perhaps it's just a sneaking suspicion, but I believe that there is going to be a vast majority of the castle under the weather in the next few days if this rain keeps up and everyone continues to wander outside without jumpers or proper rain gear. Do be careful not to get sick. While Madam Pomfrey has plenty of supplies for a standard cold, she will likely be sorely disappointed to see so many students not at least trying to remain well.

Also, it's appalling how many of these journal entries turn indecent. One can almost find out anything they want about the personal life of one of their friends without even meaning to with these things.

Private to Self )
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[30 Dec 2007|07:25pm]
The noise level in the Library has become quite the nuisance and I can't believe that this many people have gotten away with it without Madam Pince properly handling the situation. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that she's been spending a lot more time with Mr. Filch, but still, that doesn't mean she should be allowed to shirk her duties. I'd like to remind everyone that the Library is a place to study - not to talk or make as much noise as you possibly can. Therefore, if I see anyone being overly obnoxious, I won't hesitate to give them a detention or deduct house points for being rude to your classmates.

Private to Ron )
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[27 Dec 2007|09:58pm]
The sad truth is that excellence makes people nervous )
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