The abc of growing up. -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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[22 Oct 2007|10:29pm]
Lately it seems so much easier to view life through the camera lens, you take a step back and see the world in that moment, not thinking of the future nor of the past you see life how it is and how very amazing it can look. I went to a gig on Sunday, Institution which is my close friends band. There's Chow, Joe, Saleh, Chris and Matt and all of them are amazing, seriously everyone who turned up for that gig where there to see them. They'd asked me to take photographs so I was there from 6 so I got time to spend with Joe which I get to do very rarely lately. Joe is one of those people who I can't feel sad around, he'll give me a hug and life with be better, I feel protected (he is like 6'4 or something ridiculous) and I know he looks after me regardless of the fact that he's younger than me. It's really lovely to feel looked after, I know that sounds so strange but you just can't beat the feeling of someone being there for you like that. So anyway, he bought me lunch and we had a natter and I of course took some photos, for such a sweet boy it's amazing how much he changes on stage. He goes from this completly sweet meff to this, I dunno what the word is, he has amazing stage presence, they're a metal band with one front man and he does actually captavate the audience, he's a wonder to photograph to be honest. The guys in the band know their stuff, I've known some of the band for 5 years and others for 3 and more and more they amaze me.

Photographs of the boys. )
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