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Rita and Greg- Fight [22 Jan 2012|12:06pm]
Rita was trying so hard to not be pissed off at Greg, again. He's normally a nice guy but lately it felt like all they did was fight. It wasn't loud and explosive like she expected it to be every time he got that look in his eyes like he was annoyed with her. It was calm and logical. They both kept defending themselves a little too well against each other.

And he was starting to get that look again. Like he was going to bring it up again and she was tired of it.

"I'm going for a walk," she says out loud as she tugs on a heavier jacket so she doesn't freeze when she goes outside. She doesn't even look at Greg this time.

But she did forget her satchel. She normally doesn't set foot anywhere without it.
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Jo and Rita- Bondage -Meme [22 Jan 2012|12:37pm]
Rita is taking her hair down as they both invade more space in her apartment.

"Seriously, thanks for the assist in that last fight Jo." She stops when she realizes that several things were going to happen tonight. Somehow that had involved agreeing that rope might be fun.

Then also pointing out she had lots of other things. Huh, and she hadn't even asked for a date. Jo must be good at talking her into things.

"Um. Do you want some beer or wine, first?"
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Tyler- Fluff-Confessions [22 Jan 2012|07:55pm]
Oh poor Tyler. They had just broken up what amounted to a magical drug lavatory. The others had been just fine. Rita not so much because she was more human than the rest of them magically speaking. So she needed help getting home while she was still pretty much 'drunk' for lack of a better term.

At least she had agreed to let him be the one to drive her bike. She was a bit slow to get off her bike once they got to where her apartment is and is rubbing her face. She gets a little tired if she's had too much to drink and that's what this feels like to her.

"Yeah no. Don't think I want to go through that again... I'm glad we shut that place down given the other stuff they were making."
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