1. When were you born? Where?
1991. New York City I think.
2. What were some of the first words and phrases you spoke?
First said "apple" I think. I also really wanted to "go fwwling" according to my Dad.
3. At what age did you first attend school? What school did you go to? Did you like it?
Five. George Hershey Robertson. It was okay. I liked the fact there were dragon pictures all over the school.
4. Name one of your fondest childhood memories.
The day Grandpa started showing me how magic worked. I fell in love with it that day.
5. Now name one of your worst.
A literal closet monster tried to hurt me when I was really little,. Grandpa Angus had to deal with it while I clung like heck to my Mom.
6. Name one of your most embarrassing.
When doing gymnastic in gym during the third grade my pants split open and I almost mooned the whole class.
7. Which parent/adult were you closest to as a small child?
Neither. I followed Grandpa everywhere.
8. What about as a teenager?
Same as above.
9. Did you ever try drinking, drugs, or both? What all have you tried? Were you ever caught?
I snuck my Dad's beers whenever I could as a kid. I always got caught. One time I tried a cigar. Puked all over from t so I ain't ever smoking again.
10. Did you ever skip school? How frequently?
Never skipped a day in my life.
11. Who was your best friend when you were really small?
Sally Craig. She and I used to raise hell together.
12. Who was your best friend when you were a teenager?
Still Sally. We'd be best friends to this day if I hadn't freaked out after I.... got hurt.
13. Did you sleep with stuffed animals? At what age did you stop – if you ever did?
Not really. I had night lights.
14. Did you ever have braces or glasses growing up?
15. Did you ever break your arm or leg and need crutches – or anything similar to that?
Broke my fingers being stupid as a kid. Nothing else though.
16. Did you ever have any strange habits that you outgrew but were teased for?
Not exactly. I was the kid who actually hated Christmas though. I really did think Santa might be evil.
17. How well did you get along with your parents and siblings?
No siblings but I got along okay with my folks.
18. If you could go back and change one thing about the past, would you? What would you change?
Stuff about being a grown up I guess. Most of what I'd change is studying harder and trying to learn more about alchemy and magic.
19. What were some of your favorite pranks to pull when you were younger? Did you have any favorite jokes? What made you laugh the most back then?
I loved knock-knock jokes when I was small. Utterly obsessed with them.
20. Did you have any pets? If not, why? If you did, what were they?
I had a cat named Socrates. He was pretty cool. Let me carry him everywhere.
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