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User:artistodionysus (14331)
(no userpics)
Bio:I'm pretty much just a person. I like to remain a bit mysterious on the internet because, well it's the internet, and half the fun of it is knowing that you people have no idea who I am. What you will probably figure out about it though is that I'm a college student, and therefore am in my 20's. Theatre is my main interest, that and sex, it's pretty much all I ever talk about. I'm an open person (when I have the ability to remain anonymous) so forgive me if I give a bit too much information, but this is my journal so I'll say whatever I feel like.
Schools:None listed
People2:cryptozoology, pinklipstain10
Communities4:10variations, dear_you, post_secret, sextalk
Friend of:2: cryptozoology, pinklipstain10
Member of:4: 10variations, dear_you, post_secret, sextalk
Account type:Early Free User

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