July 30th, 2011
 | 12:17 pm
Application |
Out of Character Name: Jess Age: +21 AIM: allforjessrp E-Mail: aramiv@gmail.com CDJ: Here Contact: AIM or email are good.
Character: Gwendolyn Sloper Journal: Held Y/N? Y PB: Mellisa Clarke | 1 | 2 | 3
In Character
Name: Gwendolyn Morganna Sloper Birthday/Age: October 30th, 2005 Blood Status: Half-Blood Sexuality: Straight Familiar: Male orange tabby named Apollo Wand: 10 2/3" Elm Wood with Serpent Scale core, *Serpent Scale: The serpent is a mystical creature often misrepresented in literature. Dangerous and stealthy, the serpent was summoned to guard and defend ancient temples or places of power. They have the power to heal, poison or provide expanded consciousness, which would make a wise choice for one who wishes to brew potions or cast defensive spells. A serpent scale would make an excellent companion to woods that draw off the element of earth and water. *Elm: A wood of femininity. Draws off the element of earth. A strong, neutral wood that can be used for protection or hexes. Seeks a companion of strength. Excellent for destructive spells, protection, and defensive magic. House/Year: Hufflepuff / 6th Year Classes: DADA, Potions, Charms, History of Magic, Transfiguration, Ancient Runes, Astronomy Clubs: HUP, Charms, Dueling Extracurricular: Quidditch - Chaser
Family: Father - Jack Sloper / Mother - Patricia Stimpson
History: The Slopers were an old magical family and after Jack and Patricia left Hogwarts, they worked for the Ministry and when the war was over, he and Patricia married. They had met in their fourth year of school. They were both very happy and had a good life. Jack and Patricia both work for the Ministry, Jack, in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau while Patricia worked in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, Accidental Magic Reversal Squad. Both were kept busy during the war but were scrutinized and lived in worry and terror until everything was done and over. They lost far too many friends and loved ones and Patricia for one would like to never see that again. And then in 2005 they were blessed with an adorable baby with dark brown hair and green eyes, a beautiful girl they named Gwendolyn.
Jack and Patricia were well off and so they could give Gwen all she needed and she wanted for nothing. But she wasn't spoiled and was actually very laid-back and down to earth even as a small child. Her parents didn't keep her away from Muggles and they often had adventures there, just so show how different it was. Gwen was always intrigued that they did so many things as they did but without Magic. It was quite fascinating.
Also early on her parents discovered that Gwendolyn was well.... accident prone. She was quite the tomboy and liked having adventures and getting dirty. Far too often she was getting magic remedies to fix or heal something or they were making trips to St Mungo's. They didn't pay it any mind and just attributed it to her being young and had no doubt that she would grow out of it in time. She is an only child but had many cousins she liked to play with, many of whom would be with her at Hogwarts at some point. They were often rowdy and boisterous as kids can be and Gwendolyn often was hurt and inflicted some on one of the others. Accidentally of course.
Gwendolyn knew all about magic and wizards from a very young age and it seemed that it was only time that she would received her letter to Hogwarts. Both of her parents told her their own stories of the adventures they'd had at the school and Gwendolyn was excited to start and make her own adventures. At long last the letter came and Gwendolyn was off to Hogwarts.
Once at Hogwarts, Gwendolyn was quickly sorted into Hufflepuff House. She seemed to fit in well with the rest although she never seemed to be as extreme in some of the traits as some of the others in the house. Gwendolyn didn't stand out in school in those first years but got by and did above average. She made friends quickly, one of the first being Cole Griffith, and they've been friends ever since. She focused on school, on making her parents happy and making sure post school, she would be able to have a very good career, whatever it was going to be.
During fourth and fifth year, even though flying wasn't his best attribute then, Gwen became the one of the new Chasers for the house Quidditch team. At first, she spent more times in the infirmary than her dorm it seemed and if not her, someone who got to close to Gwen's awkward and clumsy limbs. Luckily for everyone, she matured and got better, much better in fact, even as young as she is.
Now her sixth year is coming up and she's excited. She's grown over the summer and blossomed, at least according to her mom. Gwen may still be the reckless tomboy she always was but she is becoming quite the beautiful girl. Will anyone see her like that or just as one of the boys? That remains to be seen. She's almost done with school and looks forward to what the new year brings. She knows that if nothing else, things are never dull or boring at Hogwarts.
Personality: Gwen was a shy child when she was younger, always in the shadow of her parents or her loud, more outgoing cousins on her mother's side. She was told on more than on occasion, from those who knew her, that he was much like her grandmother, who had fought in the First Wizarding War, fought and died. Gwendolyn can be quiet and reserved, often keeping her feelings to herself. She wants to be a good person like her mother, who is her hero and idol, but she wants to play Quidditch as well as her dad. She has taken to the good aspects of the Hufflepuff traits, showing that studiousness and caring are not always a bad thing. Gwen is also determined and independent, self-reliant and loyal. She sometimes will act before thinking, acting brave and put others before herself. She sometimes feels like an outcast in the family and wonders if she shouldn't have been sorted into Gryffindor like her father.
She is fiercely supportive of her family, not just her parents but to her aunts, uncles and cousins She is loyal to the house wanting to make it the best before her time at Hogwarts is over. Her years at school have not always been easy but she's persevered. Gwendolyn is studious and likes learning most things, and has taken a good likely to potions. She was very inquisitive as a child and very curious about the world, both Wizard and Muggle, and loved hearing about those things.
On the pitch she's stronger and bolder and only recently has that starting bleeding into how she is off of it. She's grown into her own more than anywhere. It never crossed her mind that she wouldn't play Quidditch. She was truly happy when she made the team. Gwendolyn is a strong, passionate player who helps to push her team just enough to prove they can do it and are as good as they thinks they are. Gwendolyn is a hard competitor though; she loves the game, loves playing and competition, which can lead to trouble, but then again, one can't be good all the time, can they?
Hufflepuff - Scorpio This is one of the more bizarre signs to get sorted into House Hufflepuff, but every now and then it happens. It's not as contradictory as one would think. Scorpio is perfectly happy to work behind the scenes without getting much recognition, provided that work actually gets something meaningful done and results in personal success; success means different things to different people, and Hufflepuff Scorpios tend to define success as "accomplishment" rather than as "prestige." These Hufflepuffs are indefatigable. They have the energy and the willpower to keep going even when everyone else around them has quit. They are workaholics to an extreme, if they are obsessed with a particular project; otherwise, they are happy to devote their prodigious energies to their family and friends, to whom they are devoted. Scorpio is often associated with the serpents of Aesculapius, demi-god of medicine, and the social orientation and skill at herbals that Hufflepuff wizards exhibit make the Scorpio Hufflepuff a natural healer.
Likes: Laying around, talking, cuddling, and laughing all night with someone who's a good friend, The moon, when it shines red, Strawberries, Strawberry Shortcake, anything that's strawberry, Hot, sunny days, Lilies, my favorite flowers, especially stargazer lilies, Reading and writing poetry, Sleeping in, Being up late at night, being happy, Snowball fights, Watching the stars, and looking for shooting stars, Rainbows, Lightning storms, The way it smells after a rainstorm, Dragons, People who accept others as they are, without any questions Dislikes: Early mornings, Insensitive people, who refuse to attempt to understand, People who use people, Depression, Arguing with someone who's just as stubborn as I am, insecurity, Attempting to let go of the past, and not being able to, The classifications about people that are made based on what they wear, or the music they listen to, Being sick, People who assume they know me, when they really don't, broken promises, Never feeling good enough, Finding out that someone you believed was your friend, doesn't like you at all, Confusion. Not being able to understand anything, even yourself and your own feelings Strengths: flirty, charming, loyal, passionate, charismatic, ambitious,focused, curious, persistent, strong willpower Flaws: can be selfish, obsessive, hold grudges, cynical, does not know moderation well, can be jealous Amortentia: Moroccan rose, Sumatran rose, mandarin, Egyptian myrrh, night-blooming jasmine, bergamot and neroli thrust into Arabian musk Boggart: Clowns Thoughts on Previous War: one group trying to eradicate another is awful and to descriminate over how pure one's blood is is stupid Future Goals:
Examples HP Example - Here, as Meaghan | First and Third Examples