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Anya Antonovna Romanova Stark - Post a comment
Allie pt 2
A. Hallr Charlesson
B. Libra
C. Charlie and Svalin got close during 12-Step. Halli was born 8 months after they got home
D. 6'4", Blond hair, muscular
E. 1.Got Asgardian strength, durability, endurance, but not as much as a full Asgardian. Some slight magical abilities but no interest in developing them.
2. Loves football and wants to play professionally.
3. Joined the Avengers at age 17.
4. Uses a mace instead of a sword
5. Loves ice cream and will eat a gallon at a time.

A. Abigail Rogers
B. Virgo
C. James and Val eventually married and had Abby
D. 5'6", reddish blond hair, blue eyes
E. 1. Completely spoiled by both of her grandmothers.
2. Loves hanging out in the lab with Grandpa Tony and Grandpa Reed and plays referee for them.
3. Has three other siblings and tries to help Mom and Dad with them.
4. Loves pandas and tried to get Grandpa Tony to get her one as a pet.
5. Wants to be a SHIELD agent when she's old enough

A. Rose Dugan
B. Aries
C. Tim met Lyta during a mission with the Champions. There was some dating and Lyta told Tim about the pregnancy. They didn't marry, but shared custody.
D. 5'11", red hair, blue eyes, wings
E. 1. Inherited Mom's wings and so Dad made his own set so he could fly with her.
2. She had a SHIELD onesie as a baby and wants to join as soon as she's old enough.
3. Loves shopping as almost as much as Mom and loves going shopping with Mom and Aunt Irina.
4. Knows how to swear in Latin, Russian, Greek and French.
5. Loves Star Wars and the lightsaber Dad made her.


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Anya Antonovna Romanova Stark
User: [info]anyastark
Name: Anya Antonovna Romanova Stark
Back February 2014