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Anya Antonovna Romanova Stark -
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zoe_torres From: [info]zoe_torres Date: December 19th, 2012 06:05 pm (UTC) (Link)


shield_legacy From: [info]shield_legacy Date: December 20th, 2012 03:06 am (UTC) (Link)
A. Nicholas Timothy Dugan or Timothy Nicholas Dugan Jr. depending on which grandfather you ask.
B. Taurus
C. Tim finally got up the nerve to tell Sammy how he felt about her. Nine months after the wedding Nicky was born.
D. 6'0", reddish brown hair, blue eyes, athletic.
1. There's an ongoing argument between Nick Fury and Dum Dum to which of their names is first.
2. His first words were "damn yahoo" due to spending too much time with Grandpa Nick. Would follow both Nick and Dum Dum around SHIELD in a little SHIELD uniform and call all the agents "damn yahoo".
3. The grandmas made sure he wore something other than SHIELD uniforms and boots.
4. He likes guns and blowing things up. Not sure what he likes more, but he practices both as much as he can.
5. Was cosplaying from a very early age and went to all the cons with Dad while Mom beat up bad guys.
shield_legacy From: [info]shield_legacy Date: January 6th, 2013 09:57 pm (UTC) (Link)
A. Michael Timothy Dugan
B. Leo
C. Tim finally got over Sammy and met Jenny on a consulting mission with the Champions. Mike was born a year and a half after the wedding
D. red hair, blue eyes, 5'11"
1. Plans on being a SHIELD agent someday.
2. Loves blowing things up with Dad.
3. Loves to cook and has taken lessons from Uncle Corey
4. Excellent shot thanks to cousin Alice and Aunt Sammy
5. Is gay and everyone is okay with it.
green_lantern From: [info]green_lantern Date: January 6th, 2013 10:16 pm (UTC) (Link)
A. Roxanne Torres
B. Pisces
C. Dex and Zoe met one night in the Triangle and hit it off. Dex was coming out of a fight he had just won. They went to a bar and the rest is history
D. Dark hair, mocha complexion, 6'1"
1. Zoe got called to school a lot due to Roxie starting fights with the other kids
2. Stole Dad's ring at the age of four. It took two days to find it and this was after a trip into space using it.
3. Developed a fondness for beer as she would steal Dad's when he wasn't looking. This started when she was two.
4. Loves spending time with Uncle GK
5. Has a pretty impressive collection of weapons.
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Anya Antonovna Romanova Stark
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