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Alexandria Marie Santiago

NAME: Alexandria Marie Santiago.
AGE/BIRTHDAY: 17/May 9, 1994
GRADE: 12th. Senior Class 2011 Baby!
CLASS: Upper Middle Class

Alessandro Santiago, Father
Gina Santiago, Mother
Jacob Santiago, Older Brother

SEXUALITY: Straight.
ACTIVITIES: Cheerleader, Newspaper, Softball

APPEARANCE: Alexandria stands at almost 5'4" tall and that is about as tall as she is going to get. She comes from two parents, both on the shorter side of average. Most people tend to view short height as a disadvantage, but Alexandria doesn't mind it. It gives her the ability to wear heels and not be freakishly taller than someone she's dating. Her eyes are brown and both warm and inviting. Her dark brown, almost black hair is cut into layers; her longest layer coming down to the midpoint of her back. Her mexican and italian descents gives her a slightly darker complexion that matches her hair and her eyes perfectly.

Fashionable is the best way to describe Alexandria. She loves to mix and match and create new ensembles in her closest. Skirts, dresses, heels, sneakers, jeans, tee's fill her closet in all kinds of colors, prints and patterns. Alexandria may favor jeans and printed tee's but she loves to dress up too. Her favorite part of an outfit is accessorizing. Before a party it is a must for a girl's trip to the mall for something to create a new outfit. Her favorite shoes to wear are her converse. For her, they are cute, fashionable and quite comfortable.
PLAYED BY: Selena Gomez

LIKES: Laughing, smiling, writing, taking photographs, making out with hot boys.
DISLIKES: Being wrong, hurting her friends, papercuts, people thinking they're just always right, not having her cell phone.
STRENGTHS: Kind. Helpful. Loyal. Talented. Confident. Intelligent. Quick-witted.
WEAKNESSES: Nosy. Never seems to be quiet. Or sit still really. Kind of messy.

DETAILED PERSONALITY: Everything about Alexandria is warm; from her appearance to her kind-hearted personality. She is not malicious or mean, one would be hard pressed to find an evil bone in her body. Alex is just your genuinely nice person. If her friends need help or are in trouble, Alex would be someone they can turn to and count on to always be there or to drop everything and help them with their problems.

Alex loves being in the thick of things. Naturally, she doesn't mind being the center of attention when people seek her out for the latest gossip. She is very observant and notices the tiniest minute detail that other people might over look. Some people might find it very annoying, especially if they think they're being sneaky, but Alex is just a naturally observant person. Her reputation for gossip doesn't mean that she can't keep a secret; just know that if you want it to stay private you need to tell her that first.

The life of the party. When Alex is involved, you know that you'll be having a good time. She doesn't mind making a fool out of herself and could care less about being humiliated. Knowing who she is and being true to herself makes it incredibly easy not to care about what others think. If you are upset or angry she's the best person to hang out with; her outgoing personality is infectious and can wipe away your darkest moods.

Alex is a night person. Whether it be dancing at a party or writing and creating music in the late hours of the night, she tends to be up really late. Generally, inspiration for her writing strikes her at the oddest times. Almost every time has woken her up and pulled her out of bed between two o'clock and four o'clock in the morning.

She has too much energy for her body to know what to do with. Having found singing as an outlet early on, it helped give her something positive to put all of her energy into. But it doesn't always do the job. Talking incessantly is another way to reduce her high level of energy. Her kind hearted and usually genial disposition is very rarely tainted by darkness or bad energy. When times like that do arise, rather than acting on her negative energy she'll sing and dance it out.

The Italian blood in her brings out her talkativeness, as well as the need to tell every story with her hands. Everything she says has a hand gesture to go along with it. This is a trait she acquired from growing up with her mother. Most of the time Alex doesn't even realize that she's doing it until her friends point it out. So watch out if you come walking up out of left might catch a hand to the face if Alex doesn't see you!

Brilliant would be quite the stretch, but Alexandria is incredibly clever, intelligent and quick-witted. She is by no means a ditz. Alex reads all kinds of things and watches education programs. Her friends are usually quite surprised by the vastness of her knowledge; she seems to know a little bit about everything. She is known for her quick witted retorts and and playful banter. Nothing directed towards another person should be taken seriously when Alex's being sarcastic. Most of the time she is just being playful.

Of course there are times when Alexandria's habit of gossiping gets her into some amount of trouble. Alex doesn't mean any harm by what she says but there are times when others don't see it that way. Her father was not crazy about her gossip habits. He believed he raised her to be different. He would give her a lecture or take away computer time if someone's mother called because their child was upset about gossip Alex spread. Her mother on the hand was always interested in the newest gossip and looked forward to seeing her daughter after school. What woman doesn't enjoy a bit of gossip? She knew that her daughter was not malicious about it and would let her back on the computer when her dad wasn't home. Girls will be girls just as boys will be boys.

Her favorite thing to be doing is laughing or smiling, but this does not mean that she is happy and perky all of the time. She has her moods just like any other person. If someone hurts her, she would be found crying and letting out her emotions with her best friends. Don't let her happy and personable demeanor fool you; she has a temper but you have to really push her for her for her to get past annoyed and sarcastic.

HISTORY: Alessandro Santiago, Father The Santiago family lived in Texas, but when Alessandro was checking into colleges he wanted to check out the East Coast. He loved his family but he wanted to venture out on his own. After getting accepted into several colleges in the New England region, Alex decided upon NYU. He liked the sound of their program for Business. He met Gina during his freshman orientation. Over the course of their freshman year of college at NYU, Alex and Gina became best friends. They did study groups together, grabbed dinner or coffee. Fact of the matter was Alex loved to spend time with Gina but was far too shy to actually do something about it. It actually took Theresa asking him out for him to get a clue that she was interested in him as more than a friend. Thankfully he got his act together and was the one who asked Theresa to marry him. He proposed to her at the start of their senior year and they both agreed to set the wedding date for after they both graduate. After they got married they relocated to Chicago where Gina found a job and he planned to open up a restaurant.

Gina Santiago, Mother Gina grew up with the rest of her family in Maryland. She graduated at the top of her class and excelled at everything she did. She could have gone anywhere for college, and on a free ride scholarship, but she elected to stay close to home. Wanting the ability to go home any time she wanted, she chose NYU for their nursing school program. Gina was very studious and loved school; a trait she passed on to her oldest son Jacob.

Jacob Santiago, Older Brother Jacob is five years older than Alexandria. He is far more studious and less concerned with gossip, although is as concerned with his studies as he is with girls. Following in his mother's footsteps he graduated from high school as Valedictorian. Alex and Jacob have a strong bond together and Alex really looks up to him. Most of the time she enjoys teasing him and giving him a hard time about anything and everything - after all its her job as the younger sibling. But at the end of the day, she wouldn't trade him for anything. If she has a big problem and can't talk to anyone, she knows she can always count on Jacob.

Alex was an overall good baby; rarely ever fussy and slept the night early on. In order for her even to fall asleep at night her mom and dad would have to sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" every night and then Alex would sing it back to them. Talking came very quickly, mostly because her brother was already fully talking so it was easy picking up on it all. She grew up in a bilingual household, learning both English and Spanish at the same time.

At almost ten years old Alex had a teacher who saw much more potential in her. Apparently the way she wrote was really good and for the rest of the year her teacher worked with her to hone her talent. She didn't mind. Actually, she very much loved it.

Growing up in the shadow of an older brother was not easy. Especially since he did everything first Alex always worried about measuring up. Alexandria grabbed onto her talent and practiced and did her best to excel in it. She always worried her parents wouldn't be as proud of her as they were of her brother. After all, she was intelligent but her studies did not come easy to her. She had to work avidly towards them and study often. Not always being in the limelight at home, provoked her to seek it out socially with her friends.

While her studies didn't come easy, being the social butterfly did come naturally. She had a large group of friends and people loved to be around her. Being observant, Alex can pick on small details or other details most people would over look; it gives her an edge in picking up on the latest ongoings. Information seems to find Alex first.

Alex's close friends understand and know her the best. They get past her sarcastic and playful banter. To accurately use sarcasm is an art and Alex has it down to a science. She can either use it in playful banter or use it in a biting retort to let you know exactly how pissed off she is.

She was the youngest person to make it onto the school paper. Her talent proceeded her. Her eighth grade teacher had talked to the advisor for the school newspaper, helping Alex to land a spot on the school newspaper. The jobs weren't always glamorous but her reporting was. Alex's hard work and dedication paid off as she became editor of the paper her senior year. She's also on her high school's softball team. She's the type of girl who's just as likely to be seen wandering the mall in heels and a skirt as she is to be on the field playing sports. She also gets up very early to co-host a local morning talk show.

Currently Alex is waiting to hear back from several schools but her hope is to attend Emerson College in Boston, MA. There she'd like to dual major in journalism and writing. While it would be amazing to write her own novel or screen play (and she does dabble with that when she feels inspired) she'd love to get into broadcast journalism. Ultimately, with her love of gossip she'd love to be on a show that dishes out the latest celebrity gossip.


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