That sounds like a great idea in theory. You both going to try to be on your best behavior though?
[Private to Sera] I thought I was already the best big brother ever? Though sure, shoot. What do you need?
This is like, my best behavior.
Okay, maybe I should restate that. How long can you two be on your best behavior? Because I want to enjoy my waffles.
I'd say two hours tops? You can't ask me to go in for more than that. I'm only human, dude.
I see your tolerance for each other has been going up. What gives? You two been hanging out without me? : P
Though two hours is good enough for me.
I just realized that if I spray her down with some perfume or something, it at least takes care of the smell. It increases my tolerance by another 45 minutes at least.
Two hours counting church though. And that takes a hundred years.
Just as long as you don't spray it in her eyes.
I think we should just skip church. Breakfast is going to be a strech, and I want to have an uninterrupted nap beforehand.
You suck, I don't even stink.
And thanks Rath for sticking, a she doesn't stink might have been nice too. I do appreciate that she at least won't blind me now though. :']
We have to go to church, that's the point. If we don't go dads going to ask us all about church and I refuse to walk back into his house after three months with nothing to say and not a single story to tell. I'm also more than capable of conducting myself appropriately in a restaurant or where ever for however long it takes if it means dad doesn't catch on.
I'm not going to start a fight in public. And some bickering doesn't count, that's to be expected.
I figured it went without saying that you didn't smell, but I'll be sure next time to correct that. Besides, would you rather me stick up for you or make sure you're not blinded? : P
Always our overachiever. All right, we can go to church then, but you two are going to have to promise not to say anything about my napping.
She smells like a principal's office.
And I won't say a word, duh.. I'm bring the 3DS.
She does not.
You got any new games recently? Maybe I could stay awake for once.
She kinda does.
Naw man, last thing I bought was Ocarina of Time. To be honest, I'm kind of disappoint at the shitty selection so far.. I might get Nintendogs [AND CATS].
C'mon Tatum, you're better than that.
They're probably all hung up on that new Wii thing they're coming up with so they have no time for games. Which sucks. : (
I am pretty great sometimes.
I ain't even gonna knock the Wii U till I see it but I want more games, why did they do such a push on the 3DS and then drop the ball ughhhh the games are only like, between 30 and 40$ which makes it worse cause I'D BUY THEM IF THERE WERE ANY.
I wouldn't, that's how you get caught!!
I agree on skippage but the killjoy down there doesn't seem so keen on it.. maybe I can survive a sermon or two. But your nap. :(
What if we make a deal? If we go to church without fighting, maybe we can smoke afterwards? As long as we absolutely, like no chance at all, won't smell when we get to the restaurant I don't care.
I was going to smoke anyway, but that does sort of sound like a fair trade..
My nap indeed. : ( But if we're going to smoke I'll just nap then, so it'll be win win for everyone.
If I wasn't just as lazy, I'd point out what a bum you are rn lol maybe we should smoke and nap in the car and Sera can go in and then tell us everything we missed, bring us like wine and confess for us and stuff.
Lol it must run in the family. Or at least on dad's side.
I wish it worked like that, but Sera's right. We should all go. You know dad is a master interrogator. He'd be able to tell if we just napped in the car somehow. If he didn't already install a camera in it.
You'd think he'd give us more of a break if he came from such lazy genes. :[
I know and omg don't say that shit, do you know how often I think about that?? Not just the car, like.. anywhere. And not just dad.. like, anyone. I don't like secret cameras. It's an entirely creepy concept.
TBH he's probably in denial that he gave us those lazy genes and probably just blames it on us. The nerve.
There are secret cameras everywhere. The average person gets photographed about a thousand times each day without them knowing. FYI. : P
Sounds about right. I don't really remember if grandpa was lazy..
DUDE shut up I can't even deal with that shit. I think about that all of the time, I hate like.. even security cameras, when you walk in and see yourself? Fuck. And I always feel like security guards follow me in every store cause I look like a kid even though I'm not doing anything.
Long story short, I don't care for secret spies. :(
I promise to be as long as she is.
[Private to Rath] I was wondering if you weren't too busy if you could take me into the city to try for my drivers license.. and maybe out to practice sometimes too. Mom said they'd buy me a car too but I have to start learning first. No speeding and stuff though. You have to promise to atleast try to show me the correct way.
She said she could be good for two hours. I can expect the same from you right?
[Private to Sera] I've never too busy to help you out. And I do drive the correct way! ... Just I'm very fast about it.
Though sure, the least I could do is teach you how to really be in control of your car and not drive like an old lady. It will be fun. : D
I'm sure I can manage that. :P
[Private to Rath] Awesome thanks. I don't know what day yet though. Is there any that works better for you? I was thinking sometime before we go home for thanksgiving.
That's exactly what I need, I'm not speeding but I want to actually know what I'm doing. I can't stand seeing people driving who you can just tell are completely timid and clueless. If that was as good as I could drive, I think I just wouldn't.Hopefully it's not. That can be more dangerous than someone like you who speeds really, at least you know what you're doing.
It'll definitely be fun though.. as long as I don't kill us.. or you don't kill me for not listening to your instructions lol :DD
I know you can.
Though did Tatum mention anything to you about our new Thanksgiving movement? We were thinking of dressing up in costume for it, since I didn't get to dress up with the two of you for Halloween. What do you think?
[Private to Sera] Saturday morning work for you? I could try to get up before ten, but no promises.
I'm glad you see it my way. All the schools will tell you to be a defensive driver, but even if you're the best defensive driver in the world, you still have to share the road with a bunch of jackasses who think they can drive and people who don't even know how to use a turn signal. I'd rather teach you to be offensive, so that you can react to different situtations.
Don't worry, I don't think that you'll drive like an old lady lol. Or kill us. I'll start you off in an empty parking lot and little streets until you feel comfortable enough to go on a main road. Lol little sis I wouldn't kill you for following my instructions. I'm just glad you asked me to teach you how to drive. : D