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Seraphim Donnelly-Rousseau

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[Private to Tatum and Rath] [Nov. 15th, 2011|07:59 pm]
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From: [info]reticently
2011-11-23 05:10 pm (UTC)


TBH he's probably in denial that he gave us those lazy genes and probably just blames it on us. The nerve.

There are secret cameras everywhere. The average person gets photographed about a thousand times each day without them knowing. FYI. : P
[User Picture]From: [info]ojandtostitos
2011-11-24 01:00 am (UTC)


Sounds about right. I don't really remember if grandpa was lazy..

DUDE shut up I can't even deal with that shit. I think about that all of the time, I hate like.. even security cameras, when you walk in and see yourself? Fuck. And I always feel like security guards follow me in every store cause I look like a kid even though I'm not doing anything.

Long story short, I don't care for secret spies. :(