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[Private to Tatum and Rath] [Nov. 15th, 2011|07:59 pm]
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From: [info]reticently
2011-11-21 01:44 pm (UTC)


I figured it went without saying that you didn't smell, but I'll be sure next time to correct that. Besides, would you rather me stick up for you or make sure you're not blinded? : P

Always our overachiever. All right, we can go to church then, but you two are going to have to promise not to say anything about my napping.
[User Picture]From: [info]ojandtostitos
2011-11-22 11:47 am (UTC)


She smells like a principal's office.

And I won't say a word, duh.. I'm bring the 3DS.
From: [info]reticently
2011-11-22 01:59 pm (UTC)


She does not.

You got any new games recently? Maybe I could stay awake for once.
[User Picture]From: [info]ojandtostitos
2011-11-22 09:01 pm (UTC)


She kinda does.

Naw man, last thing I bought was Ocarina of Time. To be honest, I'm kind of disappoint at the shitty selection so far.. I might get Nintendogs [AND CATS].
From: [info]reticently
2011-11-23 05:06 pm (UTC)


C'mon Tatum, you're better than that.

They're probably all hung up on that new Wii thing they're coming up with so they have no time for games. Which sucks. : (
[User Picture]From: [info]ojandtostitos
2011-11-24 12:58 am (UTC)


I am pretty great sometimes.

I ain't even gonna knock the Wii U till I see it but I want more games, why did they do such a push on the 3DS and then drop the ball ughhhh the games are only like, between 30 and 40$ which makes it worse cause I'D BUY THEM IF THERE WERE ANY.