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Seraphim Donnelly-Rousseau

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[Nov. 18th, 2011|08:53 pm]

I'm sure I can manage that. :P

[Private to Rath]
Awesome thanks. I don't know what day yet though. Is there any that works better for you? I was thinking sometime before we go home for thanksgiving.

That's exactly what I need, I'm not speeding but I want to actually know what I'm doing. I can't stand seeing people driving who you can just tell are completely timid and clueless. If that was as good as I could drive, I think I just wouldn't.Hopefully it's not. That can be more dangerous than someone like you who speeds really, at least you know what you're doing.

It'll definitely be fun though.. as long as I don't kill us.. or you don't kill me for not listening to your instructions lol :DD
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