Seraphim Donnelly-Rousseau - Post a comment [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Seraphim Donnelly-Rousseau

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[Nov. 20th, 2011|10:40 pm]

What? why do I have to have to pay for everything? That's because I don't waste all my money on weed. I'll buy brunch I guess but gas, weed and Starbucks afterwards is 100% on you.

[Private to Tatum]
No I don't remember. You never tell me anything. So Sam's like your boyfriend for real now? And you're admitting you can't be around Mack without stuff happening. If it wasn't an issue, you could hang out with her and be her friend, and not cheat on Sam. if you actually liked him

Then tbh why are you still listening to me now? I some level you must like my advice, actually I'm pretty sure you just said my advice isn't that bad.

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