Basics:Name: Ashleigh Elizabeth
Age and Birthdate: 17; January 13
Parents: Matthew Barton and Alexandria Hamilton
Siblings and Cousins: Maible Gallagher (unknown, illegitamite)
House and Year: Gryffindor 7th Year
PB: Ali Larter:
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4History:Ashleigh grew up as an only child in the home of her wealthy pureblood parents.
For reasons unknown to her, her mother hated her. The woman only made appearances when she wanted to scold Ashleigh for her grades or when she had something particularly hurtful to say. The woman only seemed to have one goal in life... to make her daughter and husband completely miserable. She was successful for many years. Though Ashleigh did, eventually, learn to ignore her, the woman continued to tormented her until Ashleigh finally moved out of her childhood home.
Due to the lack of motherly affection, Ashleigh is and will forever be a daddy's girl.
Her father did his best to make sure that Ashleigh felt loved and had the things she needed and wanted. Due to this, Ashleigh is quite spoiled when it comes to her father... but only with her father. She doesn't let her wealthy up bringing cloud her judgment. Nor does she throw temper tantrums when things are not exactly as she wanted them to be. For a wealthy girl, she is surprisingly down to earth.
In school, Ashleigh was sorted into Gryffindor just like her father. Though she'd never really gave it much thought, the house fit her 'led by the heart' personality perfectly.
Though she made many friends and considered herself quite close to several, Ashleigh spent her early years at Hogwarts lost in her studies, trying desperately to please her mother. She even went as far as too choose to miss out on things -like Hogsmeade- because she used every free minute to study her weakest subjects. She was convinced that her mother would love her more if she could just do perfect in all of her subjects.
She did, occasionally, find herself interested in this boy or that boy, even managing a few boyfriends, In the end, however, she chose to keep her attentions focused on school work, treating said boyfriend more like a friend.
After finally deciding that her mother's opinion was neither needed nor wanted, Ashleigh is determined to make the most of her 7th year. It's her last year of school and she's determined not to spend the entire time holed up in the library or common room, not having any fun.
Personality: Ashleigh is a very friendly person.
Most people would label her as 'innocent' or 'naive' and, honestly, they wouldn't be far off. Between the work of her father and her husband she's led a very sheltered life. She's not stupid by any means. However, she's trusting and believes that there is good in even the worst people. Rather than focusing on the bad in the world, she chooses to ignore it until it is pushed in her face. Fortunately, with the war long over, there's less extreme bad to be ignored.
Those that she cares about take top priority in her life. If you hurt them, you've hurt her. She is very dedicated and loyal to the few people that she loves. She trusts them completely and is incapable of seeing their faults. She loves who she loves and nothing else matters to her... she'll stand by their side and support them through any decision, even if she doesn't exactly agree with it.
As said, she's a very sweet and loving person. You have to actually do something to spark her anger. However, if she is previously bothered, worried, aggravated, etc, it takes a lot less to send her into defense mode. Be careful! Her Gryffindor temper is very much intact... once it's unleashed, it's very hard to get under control.
When angered (though this rarely happens) she tends to lose rational thought. She doesn't use deductive reasoning, she decides on an action, using mostly her heart and emotion, and then acts... screw the consequences!