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Test Scene [09 Dec 2012|11:10pm]
Cerdian had to admit he was not the biggest fan of aquariums. He felt strongly that they should be allowed back in the ocean. Though domestication of the animals kind of did make that impractical plus it really did help surface dwells feel stronger connections to the ocean which made them more likely to care about what happened there if they did not live by the water.

But all of that aside the place did make Cait happy to work there and he was there to visit her. Plus the marine life all seemed rather happy to him based on a quick telepathic probe of the place. Cait had probably helped a lot with making that happen. So he was going to do his best to leave his comments to himself.

He was currently busy having some fun with the seahorses in a tank while waiting for Cait to have her break. The sea followed him around in the tank much to his amusement and several kids nearby.
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