Mana Colors
Cerdian- Blue and Green :
Mike Blood- Black and Red
Cerdian- Blue and Green :
Mike Blood- Black and Red
Cerdian's JournalRecent Entries | ||
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15th October 2013
Mana Colors
Cerdian- Blue and Green : Mike Blood- Black and Red 5th October 2013
Mind Blowing Fashion
1. Fashion Week comes to New York City with the most talked about participant being former model turned Fashion designer Lady Couture. What people don't know is that she has been using her enchanted clothes to generate all favorable buzz and reviews. : 2. Titans East gets invited since Lady Couture thinks it might be nice to have some superpower in her corner in the future. 3. When the titans arrive they notice everyone acting weird under the influence of Lady Couture's clothes and investigate. 4. After figuring out that Lady Couture is behind this or that the clothes are causing it things turn ugly when they get attacked by Lady Couture's team of model enhanced with her clothes. 5. Titans fight back and either decide on a magic or tech solution to get rid of the enchanted clothes. Lady Couture makes her escape in the ensuing chaos. 4th October 2013
Lady Couture
Name: Harriet Couture : PB: History: A former fashion model who was forced to retire for being too old at 35 Hattie decided that she wasn't done with the fashion industry. She decided to become a designer herself making her own line of clothes. However while her designs were rather good she just couldn't seem to catch a break with the fashion industry that was done with her as anything other than being a former model. Unable to stand it she decided to learn a way to force the world the recognize her fashion brilliance again. Having taught herself the art of poisoning and enchanting clothes she has being slowly use it to climb her way up the industry. Now that she is near the top she has begun setting her sights on trying to bring the enitre world into her in fashion Abilities: With clothes that she makes herself Hattie can magical imbue the clothes with various effect such as mind control, causing extreme pain which can be made lethal, enhanced durability, enhanced strength, and various others effects. Mostly she uses her clothes to control peoples minds to get what she want. She also gives out enhancing clothes to her model minions to help her out with stuff if she needs it. She has also recently designed a magical scarf that should be able to tie up and hold even people with super strength. 14th August 2013
Injustice Concept
Power-User : Intro- A whirlpool of water appears and Cerdian jumps out of it eyes briefly glowing before taking a battle stance. Outro- Cerdian freezes his opponent to the ground. Says, "That should teach you to respect the power of the Oceans Character Trait- Violet Eyes- Cerdian's eyes start to glow with magical power argumenting the damage of his special attacks for a brief time Super Move- Feeding Frenzy- Ian floods the battlefield creating a whirlpool spinning his opponent around. Cerdian then channels a shark and swims rapidly towards his opponent savagely beating them. He then uses magic to launch his opponent in the air unflooding the battlefield 9th July 2013
Date Meme- Mini Golf- AU
"What color do you want," Cerdian asked as he grabbed grabbed the Green Ball. He really liked this mini golf course he had discovered on one of New Jersey's many boardwalks. If you listened you could actually hear the wave moving underneath the course. : 8th April 2013
Nick Szasz- : Cerdian- Sam Weaver- Cian Daly- Lee Arthur- British Resistance Mike Blood- British Resistance Dean Monaghan- Marcus Todd- Long lost Son of Jason Todd Jerry Carr-
Eco-Feministas : Once just a small group of feminist environment radicalist the eco-femanistias that were not very effective were changed as a group forever when they found a set of magical rings while protesting the manstruction of a beautiful gynodesert. They began using the powers of the rings to take and even more active stance against those who violate their beliefs and possibly even an effective stance. The Rings- A set of mysterious magical rings that tap into the powers of places like the Green, Red, Blue, ect to grant powers to the wearer. Ruby Ring- Gives the wearer the power to create and manipulate fire Sapphire Ring- Give the wearer the power to manipulate and change the state of water Emerald Ring- Give the wearer the power to manipulate and shape earth Diamond Ring- Gives the wearer the power to manipulate the air and winds and the ability to fly Garnet Ring- Gives the wearer to ability to talk with animals and the ability to command them to a certain degree Jade Ring- Gives the wearer the power to control and manipulate plants and cause rapid growth in them. Tanzanite Ring- Gives the wearer the power of Empathy and Healing Name: Sharron Sunbeam PB: Anna Hutchison History: Sharron grew up in a hippy colony and is a bit of a loud mouth who won't stop talking about her beliefs usually through a megaphone. She sounds smart but really isn't but still most of the others look to her for leadership Name: Harriett Wunder PB: Jodi Gordon History: Harriett grew up on the streets of New York City. She really wants to protect the envrionment and has been trying to get the others to take a more proactive stance and see the rings and her chance to really make a difference. Name: Nita Craine PB: Rachel Bilson History: Nita was a rich girl who grew up with everything she ever wanted but her parents approval. Nita joined the group to help protest her father's corrupt business practices that pollute the environment. Name: Darcy Heuser PB:Brittany Snow History: Darcy is not the brightest tool in the shed. She cares about all the cute sweet looking animals and joined to group to protect and cuddle with them. She is best friends with Alana. Name: Alana Boulton PB: Liv Tyler History: Alana loves plants and gardening and likes to work to protect the environment but has a habit of showing up at the wrong protests or with the wrong signs. She is best friends with Darcy. Name: Carolina Clouse PB: Sophia Bush History: Carolina is a devoted environmentalist but she has fallen into the activist sterotype have of being a little slutty. But Harriet usually is pretty good about keeping her reigned in about it. Name: Trudy Swarey PB: Emily Osment History: Trudy was the top of her class in high school but had a melt down in college and dropped out. She's currently hanging out with the group as she tries to get her life back together and maybe make a difference. 31st January 2013
Marvel Avengers Alliance Concept
Cerdian : Generalist Passives Atlantian- Immune to drowning. Gains strengthened from water attacks Mystical Power- Magic attacks cause Bane Abilties L1- Magic Blast- Single Target magic energy ranged attack. L2- Channeling- Changes Cerdian's class which changes his L1 and L6 Abilities and his passives besides Atlantian. Quick action. L6- Water Blast- Single Target water ranged magic attack. Causes drowning. L9- The Tempest- Targets all opponents with a magic water ranged attack. Catastrophic attack. Paragon exploiter. Four turn cool down Blaster Passive Electric Defense- Non ranged Attacks against Cerdian triggers an electric counter attack. Abilities L1-Electic Eel Shock- Targets all opponents with an electric energy ranged attack. Causes static Charge. L6- Electric Blast- Single target magic electric energy ranged attack. Causes dizzy. Bruiser Passive Feeding Frenzy- Has a chance to attack with allies. Abilities L1- Shark Frenzy- Single target unarmed melee attack. Has a chance to cause bleeding. L6- Savage Blast- Single target magic energy ranged attack. Has a change to cause ravaged Infiltrator Passive Echolocation- Unaffected by blinded and can hit obscured opponents Abilities L1- Dolphin Strike- Single target unarmed melee attack. Causes slowed. L6- Tidal-wave- Targets all opponents with a water magic ranged attack. Causes exposed. Exploits drowning 9th December 2012
Test Scene
Cerdian had to admit he was not the biggest fan of aquariums. He felt strongly that they should be allowed back in the ocean. Though domestication of the animals kind of did make that impractical plus it really did help surface dwells feel stronger connections to the ocean which made them more likely to care about what happened there if they did not live by the water. : But all of that aside the place did make Cait happy to work there and he was there to visit her. Plus the marine life all seemed rather happy to him based on a quick telepathic probe of the place. Cait had probably helped a lot with making that happen. So he was going to do his best to leave his comments to himself. He was currently busy having some fun with the seahorses in a tank while waiting for Cait to have her break. The sea followed him around in the tank much to his amusement and several kids nearby. 8th December 2012
Animal Channeling
Echolocation- Dolphin, Sperm Whale : Swimming Speed- Swordfish, Sailfish Flight- Sea birds Cold resistance- Walrus Heat resistance- Pompeii Worm Electrical Shock- Electric Eel, Electric Ray, Bio-luminescence- Lanternfish, Squid Regeneration- Sea Cucumber, Starfish Strength- Whale, Shark, Giant Squid Durability- Shellfish Ink Blast- Squid Reflexes- Mantis Shrimp Agility- Sea Otter Ferocity- Great White Shark Toxins- Sea Anemone, Frogs, Jellyfish Toxin Resistance- Clown Fish Color Change/Camouflage- Cuttlefish, Octopus Enhanced Smell- Great White Shark Enhanced Hearing- Dolphin Enhanced Sight- Dolphin Lung Capacity- Sperm Whale, Sea Turtle Leaping- Flying Fish, Dolphin Pressure Change- Sperm Whale Buoyancy Control- Zoo-plankton
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Matt : Email: On record AIM (if you have one): On record Character Name: Cerdian Character LJ (if applicable): Physical description (face, build, weight): Cerdian has violet colored eyes and brown hair. He is 6 feet tall and 220 lbs. Cerdian a bunch of blue tattoos on his left side and a few on his right arm which glow when he channels magic. The tattoos on his left arm change to an abstract image of whatever animal he channels. Age: 23 Birthday: June 28th PB: (If using one.) Daniel Ewing Abilities: Atlantian/Altered-Human Physiology- Cerdian has the standard Atlantian abilities all atlantians possess though on a slightly lesser level than his father due to his half Atlantis nature. But he can stay out of water indefinitely without it negatively effective him to badly. Cerdian also possess marine telepathy which he can use to communicate with marine life and ask them to do things for him. Sorcery- Cerdian was born with the innate ability to use magic and has been trained by his father in it's use a bit though has taken a rather different approach to it. Generally he uses it to control water in the same manner as his father. Though his preferred use of magic is to tap into the powers and abilities of marine life in a similar way to Vixen's animal mimicry. He can also open up portals in water to other bodies of water large enough for the portal to form. Cerdian while he has a lot of power potential in magic use but he is far from being considered a sorcerer of Atlantis and unless something changes in his view likely never will achieve that potential. Connection to the Clear- Cerdian feels a strong connection to The Clear, the universal consciousness of all marine life and taps into this often when he uses his magic or his marine telepathy. This also makes marine life rather friendly towards him and not as likely to attack him. This effect tends to be stronger with whatever animal he is currently channeling. Weaknesses and flaws: While being out of the water does not effect Cerdian much physically it does weaken his connection to The Clear which negatively effects his ability to use magic effectively or use his marine telepathy. Prolonged time away from the water can also create a psychological desire to go back to it. He is incapable of forcing marine life to do things and cannot use his telepathy on none marine life for anything but communication. His animal channeling magic works better in the presence of the animal he's channeling and he can only channel one ability at a time. While his protection to the Clear makes animals friendlier towards him and less likely to attack him this will not stop an animal from going against it's nature or something it is being forced to do. Character location/Home: Mobile/Atlantis Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero Relatives (living/dead?): Garth (father), Dolphin (mother), Arthur Curry (godfather) Backstory: Cerdian, though he prefers Ian when he can actually get people to call him that, was kidnapped just after his birth though was successfully rescued and got his name as a gesture of goodwill to the people of an island that Atlantis just annexed. He grew up around the Titans and in Atlantis with his mother doing everything she could to keep him safe and out of harm's way. Which was often not easy due to supervillian after Garth, attacking Atlantis, or Cerdian's own curious nature. While Cerdian feels more at home in the water he has not problem with spending any amount of time on land and often did to hang out with friends he met through his dad's titans connections. Cerdian has a strong connection to marine animals and honestly kind of likes them a lot more than more people or atlantians and has more than a few animals that he considers close friends. He apparently discovering his basic animal telepathy at a young age call sea life he him which sometime were dangerous. For this reason he has gone into marine biology going for degree at a university on land with some classes in Atlantis. His reasoning being that have a surface degree will make it easier to get surface people to listen to him. He currently does work for marine biology ships and crews while working on his doctorate. He wants to gain acceptance from both the surface and the underwater world in this to create better understanding on both side to better protect marine life. He does a lot of work to protect the worlds oceans as well and to help Atlantis when needed. He has some connections with the Justice League when they need aquatic help. How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Catching up with some old friends. What are you planning to do with this character?: Helping out JLA from time to time and Atlantis stuff. What do you want to see happen with this character?: Someone trying to force him to take more responsibility in Atlantis. Some magic and aquatic stuff. Definitely some animal stuff. Sample post: |