All the Fools? ALL THE FOOLS!!!!!!!'s Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
All the Fools? ALL THE FOOLS!!!!!!!

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Mattie : [26 Apr 2013|07:31am]
Saved the day again, all before my morning cup of tea and bagel. You're welcome, Timmy.
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Shaun: [26 Apr 2013|05:46am]
From this moment forward, I shall refer to my dick as a weapon of ass destruction.
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Timmy Poe : [11 Apr 2013|07:55pm]
And the best part of it all was not once being suspected...
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Shaun : [10 Apr 2013|06:09pm]
Date night is laid night.
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Robyn : [10 Apr 2013|06:07pm]
You all can hate me all you want... I'm gonna be the first bitch to complain it's too hot at just about 70*
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Lilia : [10 Apr 2013|06:05pm]
Anyone that says so much as 'boo' to me over the next three to five days may risk losing a limb. I can't be held responsible. Consider yourselves warned.
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Mattie : [10 Apr 2013|06:03pm]
Roses are red. Violets are blue. Sugar is sweet and deadly to diabetics.
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Stephen : [10 Apr 2013|06:02pm]
I don't snore.
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Cassandra : [10 Apr 2013|05:59pm]
I'm taking the night off. I am shutting down being MOM for just the next twelve hours. I've been number crunching for the past seventy two hours and I just want to curl up with a book and my pillows. I'm tempted to kick dear hubs onto the couch so his snoring won't disturb me.
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Timmy Poe : [10 Apr 2013|05:55pm]
So I don't even belong here and here I am. It's a feeling I get often. The nicer weather sure feels great but the bugs are coming back. Bees and mosquitoes... two things this world could do without.

Tonight I am meeting with Shaun for dinner. I told my parents I'm meeting a friend to study for my last biology test before the final. I think they bought it. I mean, at 19 I shouldn't have to lie to my parents. They're too over protective. I'm not a child anymore. I can fend for myself.
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Jake : [10 Apr 2013|05:53pm]
I was there. I was in the office. It was all just an "Ellie 'fwahh' moment". I missed it all.
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Alice : [10 Apr 2013|05:51pm]
Just got home from Sunday's check up. She's healthy. Attitude needs a bit of work but the doctor seems to think she'll out grow it. I beg to differ.
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Jake : [10 Jul 2012|12:38am]
It's 2012 people... Y no sound proof tents?!!??? Anyways, great weather. Endless stars. I miss my wife. Sleep (if possible).
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Alice : [08 Jul 2012|05:22pm]
I usually enjoy the summer and warm weather but this is just insanity! Is it autumn yet?
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Alice : [15 Jun 2012|12:51am]
Oh my (not so little) Sunday... what am I going to do with you?
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Jake : [22 May 2012|04:40pm]
Did I miss something? Crap on toast! I did. What did I miss?
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Alice : [22 May 2012|04:40pm]
Oh dear brother, you're just as insane as always. ;)
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Alice : [11 Apr 2012|12:45am]
I should have married Rob Zombie. He'd sing me to sexy dreams all night.

Instead I married a real dimwit. I love him though. In some strange masochistic way.
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Jake : [11 Apr 2012|12:44am]
I am just going to smoke this in here... okay? Sunday sleeping? What the hell is my life?
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Jake : [25 Mar 2012|11:28pm]
Really? REALLY? Is that how this is going to go? Fine. I don't have to like it.
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