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All These Fools

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Il'ya : [21 Mar 2012|12:21pm]
[ mood | high ]

Scares the hell out of me,
and the end is all I can see.
And it scares the hell out of me,
and the end is all I can see...

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Randy : [21 Mar 2012|12:23pm]
Eww. I don't want to be awake now. It's a weird kind of day. I might want to go back to bed for another couple of hours. I feel gross.
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Linnea : [21 Mar 2012|12:47pm]
I am so fucked. I don't know what the hell I am going to do. I am at my wit's end.
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Collin : [21 Mar 2012|12:58pm]
Swimming in blood
breathing ashes
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Billy : [21 Mar 2012|12:59pm]
My sister is pregnant! I'm going to have a niece/nephew. Ahhhh!!!!
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Leoma : [21 Mar 2012|01:18pm]
Subway. No eat fresh.
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[ viewing | March 21st, 2012 ]
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