Ali3n F00Ls -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Ali3n F00Lz

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Kenton : [25 Mar 2012|11:24pm]
Hearing planes makes me want to fly planes. I don't know how to fly planes. These are not good wants.
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KeRMiT : [25 Mar 2012|11:25pm]
What is this feeling?!
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NicoBlue : [25 Mar 2012|11:26pm]
Sitting outside with a joint in my lips.
Staring up at clouds and space,
my hands upon your hips.
I look at you, upon your face.
you've got that look.

Space can wait. I need to do you.

More bad poetry, never.

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[ viewing | March 25th, 2012 ]
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