Ali3n F00Ls -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Ali3n F00Lz

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Kenton : [06 Mar 2012|04:34pm]
It's like what my body lacks in pain sensors, my brain triples the amount. When I get headaches, I go big. This isn't going to be a good night, is it?
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[Veg Fakok - Locked] [06 Mar 2012|04:35pm]
I have to decide what I am going to do. I have to make a decision that is going to be very hard for me. I miss nothing of my home, my people, my anything other than Knaxi. I miss Knaxi every moment of every day.
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NicoBlue : [06 Mar 2012|04:37pm]
Oh my god it's too early to be awake right now. Who the hell woke me up?
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[ viewing | March 6th, 2012 ]
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