Ali3n F00Ls -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Ali3n F00Lz

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Jen : [07 Nov 2011|08:15pm]
[ mood | hungry ]

I am hungry. Very much so.

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Kenton : [07 Nov 2011|08:15pm]
[ mood | numb ]

I really hope I am wrong about this whole thing. I mean, I can't be that lucky to guess this would happen THREE TIMES. I mean, really.

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KeRMiT : [07 Nov 2011|08:17pm]
[ mood | drunk ]

Mister Rumbottle and I have declared Monday Night Party Time, as hosted by Ke$ha.

Thank you. Good night.

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Anthony : [07 Nov 2011|08:29pm]
Good riddance.
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NicoBlue : [07 Nov 2011|08:29pm]
[ mood | high ]

Baby take me down to the bar fo drinkin time
I take-ah you home later and it be business time

I will not quit my day job.

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[ viewing | November 7th, 2011 ]
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