Ali3n F00Ls -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Ali3n F00Lz

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KeRMiT : [21 Sep 2011|01:24am]
[ mood | disappointed ]

I'm starting to miss Ezra. As awful as he was, he was all I had.

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NicoBlue : [21 Sep 2011|01:25am]
[ mood | loved ]

Not that I'm going all soft and sappy on you internet, I just got back from the most amazing date with the complete and absolute love of my life... the beautiful Chad Azzarelli.

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Kenton : [21 Sep 2011|03:37pm]
[ mood | horny ]

I know exactly what I need but no means of knowing where to get it.

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[ viewing | September 21st, 2011 ]
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