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Guilty Pleasures.... [10 Aug 2010|07:08pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

So as I sit here in 92 degree weather with no air conditioning (not that I really like air conditioning), I decided to hold off my work-out routine for awhile (I'll be going to college in about a week where the rec-center is feet away from my dorm building) and reading Marie Claire online (because I'm way to cheap to subscribe to it). Many people have mixed feelings about reading magazines like "Cosmo", "Allure", and "Marie Claire", because is objectivies women into turning them into sex objects. (And men's magazines into Sucess objects). Well I for one belive people turn people into objects-not magazines. And if by some chance you feel guilty about yourself after reading one, than by no means should you waste your hard earn money buying one. I on the other hand love reading the articles (belive it or not there is a lot to learn in those pages beyond vainity), and I am by no means intimidated by the models. So I confess, I'm reading trashy magazines on the internet and I'm having fun untill I spend the next nine months or so stressing and tensing over school. And that's all I've done....all day......lol  

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