Deadman App |
[17 Apr 2011|12:46am] |
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: De Email: On File AIM (if you have one): On File Character Name: Dallas Brand Character LJ (if applicable): aint_no_grave Physical description (face, build, weight): 5’11”, dark brown hair, brown eyes. He doesn't seem to smile much (why would he? He's dead), but said smile would look good on him if he used it. Age: 20 (at time of death) Birthday: June 2, 1991 Died: January 1st, 2011 Codename (if using one): Deadman
PB: (If using one.) Paul Wesley
Abilities: Invisibilit (can be seen by those mystics who know to look for him), flight and intangibility. He can instantly and completely possess any sentient being. He can also allow himself to be seen for brief periods, though this is difficult for him to do. Dallas can also play eight instruments (drums, piano, guitar, clarinet, flute, violin, cello and keyboard). He is also an accomplished singer.
Weaknesses and flaws: Dallas can be bound, trapped and exorcised as any ghost. He’s a bit proud of his accomplishments and can be a little defensive about his condition.
Character location/Home: Variable
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Team: Independent or Shadowpact
Relatives (living/dead?): Cleveland Brand (Father, deceased), Jennifer Brand (Mother, Living), Houston Brand (Twin sister, Living), Boston Brand (Uncle, Deceased)
Backstory: The end of the Blackest Night was not a joyous occasion for everyone.
Dallas Brand was born two minutes before his twin sister, Houston, in San Antonio, Texas to Cleveland and Sharon Brand. Dallas grew up around circus people, especially his uncle Boston. The Brand twins found, however, that they loved to make music the day they learned to bang on pots and pans. Houston was good, but Dallas was a natural. The pair started performing in talent shows in their youth, and in the Circus shows not long after. They never met their Uncle Boston, but they heard a lot about him from their father.
After Dad died, Dallas buried himself in his music, writing over 1,000 songs and playing small gigs around town for money. A local producer heard him and his sister playing one evening and signed them to a deal at Marsten Records. The problems began almost immediately after that.
Houston became a diva and started getting into trouble around town. Dallas found himself bailing her out on more than one occasion, even as he worked on another album to save their group. Eventually, Dallas played a song for their producer and Houston found out, thinking that Dallas was going solo and cutting her out. She turned her back on her brother and refused to speak to him, saying that he’d abandoned her the same way Mom and Dad did. That was the last time he saw her during his life.
Dallas emerged as a star in his own right, opening for acts like Taylor Swift and the Jonas Brothers, but separating himself from them due to his crisp vocals and instrumental prowess. At nineteen, Dallas was poised to make the big-time with the release of Two Sides of Me, his second solo release.
Dallas Brand died three days before the release of his second album, after a stage show in London, England. He was walking off stage during a break when a bus crashed through the wall of the club he was playing at. Months later, Dallas was resurrected along with everyone else who’d died in the past six months.
Two hours later, he was dead again. This time, it stuck.
Confronted by the god Rama Kushna, Dallas finally understood what happened to both his father and uncle, and was given the opportunity to pass on to the next life, or remain on Earth. Reminding himself that Houston and their mother still need him, Dallas remains on Earth, helping to shepherd the dead along to their final rest, though he can take none for himself.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Dallas will appear in various places, helping to save people or explaining to them that they’ve died and helping them move on.
What are you planning to do with this character?: I’d like to see him help out the Shadowpact and participate in a few mystic storylines. . What do you want to see happen with this character?: I’d like to see how he copes with being dead and finding out how much he missed out on while he was alive. I’d also like to explore the fact that death was not the end, but the beginning of his journey. I'd also like to see him try to give his family solace in his passing.