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Manly! Like Exploding Dinosaurs ([info]aheroemerges) wrote,
@ 2008-09-23 23:50:00

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Awesome Right?
I found this and decided that it was pretty awesome.


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Re: unexpected crossdressing simon
2008-09-24 08:28 am UTC (link)
He was curious how she manages to get all that ass up in them jeans.

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Re: unexpected crossdressing simon
2008-09-24 08:40 am UTC (link)
Really that's the part he's curious about? The rest of us are more curious on how she keeps those boobs inside that itty bitty top.

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Re: unexpected crossdressing simon
2008-09-24 06:27 pm UTC (link)
Like, how I wonder how he gets a tiny mole to cover his manly bits in the spa episode.

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Re: unexpected crossdressing simon
2008-09-24 06:44 pm UTC (link)
He was in the water so......

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2008-09-24 05:15 pm UTC (link)

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Re: unexpected crossdressing simon
2008-09-24 05:19 pm UTC (link)

Yeah apparently totally died a virgin.

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Re: unexpected crossdressing simon
2008-09-24 05:23 pm UTC (link)


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Re: unexpected crossdressing simon
2008-09-24 05:40 pm UTC (link)
I laughed XD

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Re: unexpected crossdressing simon
2008-09-24 06:29 pm UTC (link)

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Re: unexpected crossdressing simon
2008-09-24 06:38 pm UTC (link)
Apparently he had no idea what he was talking about promising that. At the time it just sounded cool so he went with it.

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