Manly! Like Exploding Dinosaurs' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Manly! Like Exploding Dinosaurs

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[18 Oct 2008|09:41pm]
[ mood | nauseated ]

I probably shouldn't have eaten half that bag of peanut butter m&ms. Why did it have to look so freaking delicious?! Tiny little candy coated death. Too much peanut butter makes me nauseated and a half pound back of peanut buttery m&ms is super puke.

I'm sure you all wanted to hear that.

I just haven't updated in awhile and thought I'd share a nugget of my life. There you are. Nugget.

Oh yeah question if I put up that thing for you to tell me what characters I'm like. You know the one that's been going around like the town bicycle would you fill it out for my guys? I don't want to post it and then secretly weep to myself because no one wants to try it.

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