Manly! Like Exploding Dinosaurs' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Manly! Like Exploding Dinosaurs

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[01 Oct 2008|08:27pm]
My head is seriously killing me right now. To the point where laying down down isn't even helping.

I feel like a lame chicken for not participating in this whole brutal honesty meme thing. I don't know. I guess I don't feel like having horrible facts about me for everyone to read. Plus I sorta hope that if you really have a problem with me you wouldn't need a meme to have to say it.

Seriously though I try not to take things too personally like a batshit crazy. If I did something wrong or I did something annoying please don't hesitate to tell me because unless I know I can't correct the behavior.
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[ viewing | October 1st, 2008 ]
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